The top 10 self-help books to learn about mindfulness and spiritual growth.

The top 10 self-help books to learn about mindfulness and spiritual growth Intro These self-help and mindfulness books will change your life. I know they did mine. I learned from an early age to turn to books to find the wisdom I craved—it’s what inspired me to create these courses. And once I found these […]

Why you should listen to music that makes you happy.

Why you should listen to music that makes you happy Music helps me set the tone for my day.I tend to wake up on the wrong side of the bed 9 times out 10. I’m not the naturally optimistic type, and I’ll admit I really have to give myself a pep talk most mornings to […]

How to set goals & create a vision for your future.

Goals are what our desires become when we set deadlines to them to make them a reality. To feel like you’re moving forward and making adequate progress in life, it’s crucial that the goals you commit to pursuing play a part in driving you toward accomplishing a greater vision for your life as a whole. […]

The Power of our Breath.

Breathing is the fundamental unit of risk, the atom of inner courage that leads us into authentic living. With each breath, we practise opening, taking in, and releasing. Literally, the teacher is under our nose. When anxious, we simply have to remember to breathe.   Intro Your breath is one of the most sacred, yet […]

The Power of Daily Non-Negotiables.

This entry is part 11 of 10 in the series Self Development Tools

Intro Lets face it-life is busy. We all glorify this act of ‘being busy’ that we sometimes forget about the importance of just being content with our lives. One of the key ingredients that has changed my life are my daily non-negotiables. Establishing a list of non-negotiable daily wellness habits is an easy way to […]

How to get Started with Journaling

This entry is part 7 of 10 in the series Self Development Tools

Journaling techniques Free writing: Free writing means setting a timer and letting your thoughts flow, unedited and unscripted, onto the page. Or you can set a goal to write continuously for a specified amount of pages. Free writing is all about keeping your hand moving and not pausing to go back and edit or construct […]

The Power of Affirmations.

This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series Self Development Tools

Intro Most of us are frequently visited by negative thoughts, which influence our mood and confidence. The problem with negative thoughts is that they can become self-fulfilling prophecies. There’s this great quote from Henry Ford that captures this idea well: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” So why not try […]

The finest way towards personal growth is to read books

Intro For anyone who follows me, you will know how much I absolutely love reading books. I started from a very young age and completed the Famous Five and Secret Seven by Enid Blyton collection. I think this is where I curated a very strong imagination and fascination for life. I took a break from […]

Creating a Daily Journaling Habit.

This entry is part 8 of 10 in the series Self Development Tools

Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding.   Intro We all know the benefits of journaling are endless; reduces stress/anxiety, improves sleep, better understanding of your emotions & thoughts, helps you manage and control your thoughts, time for yourself and so on. Journaling is now my favourite […]

How to Create a Daily Meditation Practice.

This entry is part 6 of 10 in the series Self Development Tools

“Meditation teaches us to choose our thoughts like we choose our clothes in the morning”   Intro Daily meditation doesn’t so much dissolve problems, it allows the mind to find order and understand itself. Any Fears, resentments, emotions and hopes become easier to name. By becoming more aware, we become less scared of the contents […]