Categories: Spirituality

There is No Such Thing as Goodbye

This entry is part 14 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spirituality

Energy Cannot be Destroyed 

We often view the passing of a loved one as the end and I know at times it can really feel like that. There is a concept that we think they just vanish into thin air. They absolutely do not! This is the illusion of passing away. We think the person is unreachable or uncontactable, but that’s just a perception. They are actually all around us; they haven’t gone very far at all. The first law of thermodynamics (conservation of energy) states that energy is always conserved – it cannot be created or destroyed. In essence, energy will be converted from one form into another. It’s never wasted in the universe. It is always being recycled to come back and make a new appearance in different form. That means that anything in this universe has existed forever and will continue to exist beyond its observed ‘end’. The moment someone passes, their spirit is continuing to live on. Our loved ones continue on in energetic form as soon as they leave their physical bodies, and they are able to instantly find peace and communicate with us through willing vessels if they wish to.

Letting Go of Guilt 

Some people become crippled by the feeling that when their loved one passes, that’s it – they will never see, hug, talk to or know them again and there is no chance to put anything right. Knowing that we will see our loved ones again can help us to move on from the grief and guilt we can face about peoples’ passings. Perhaps you had an argument right before they passed, or you promised you would be there for them but you couldn’t make it. Any number of practical issues may have led to you not being able to tell them you loved them for one last time before they passed. Death is complicated, and even more so the actual time of passing. Nothing and nobody can prepare us for it. If you did miss your loved ones passing, it’s okay. These kinds of guilt can haunt us for years, but it really shouldn’t.

Be Brave 

Now more than ever people are looking for comfort or even just a ‘hello’ from their loved ones who have crossed over. More and more people are rising up and embracing their intuitive gifts. We can all move closer to spirit and we don’t need to be afraid. We can leave behind the old ways of thinking that make us scared, worried or guilty about seeking out spirit mediums. If we are to truly embrace the notion that there’s no such thing as goodbye, we must take the bold and brave steps to say ‘hello’ again to our loved one. The first step to doing this is simply acknowledging spirits’ ongoing existence and shifting our awareness to realise that they are present, whether we believe or accept it or not. Given that the nature of being is an energy form, we won’t ever vanish and now will our loved ones, spirit guides or source. All of this is just too precious for it to just disappear and be forgotten. This is an encouraging and hopeful thing to remember. If your life was a sailboat, with your higher self as the rudder, your spirit guides the rigging and source as the wind in your sails, then spirit is the ocean.

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘Their spirit is bigger than life?’ That is precisely it: our spirit is like the ocean, it is bigger than this life. Our spirit is bigger than addiction, loss, trouble, debt, fear or overwhelm. We have a network, a tribe, a nation behind us in the spirit world that stands up for us when we can’t stand up for ourselves. We have eyes watching and hearts cheering from beyond us to support us when we can’t help but break down. There is no need to say goodbye because spirit never actually leaves. No matter how you look at it, we don’t have to search very far. We don’t even have to try very hard. Behind and before us we are held by spirit; above, within and beyond.


Record a voice note to your loved one, updating them about your life right now. Listen to it over once. If you can, set a reminder in 60 days to listen to the voice note again and hear how you spoke of your life 60 days ago. Has anything changed? Finally, realise that your loved one has never needed the voice note. This is how good they are at keeping up to date with you.

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