The Power of the Words we use.

The Power of Words: Why We Need to be Intentional With the Things We Say. The Power of the Spoken Word: Speaking Your Reality into Existence



The words you speak hold power. Power to create new possibilities or to close them down. Power to build relationships or to damage them. Power to fuel your courage or magnify your fear.


Psychologists have found that our subconscious mind interprets what it hears very literally. The words that come out of our mouth therefore create the reality we inhabit – for better or worse. Unfortunately, it’s often the latter as we unconsciously sabotage ourselves simply by using language that undermines our opinions, amplifies our problems and chips away at our confidence.


Whatever direction your words lead, your mind, body and environment will inevitably follow.


Our external environment is often a reflection of our internal one, which shows up in how we speak. If you use positive language – about yourself, your ability to learn new skills, to achieve your goals, handle pressure – then that’s what tends to show up externally. Conversely, if you’re continually saying things that affirm incompetence, echo hopelessness, nurture anxiety or fuel pessimism, then that will also shape your reality. Over time your world will morph to mirror your words.


It’s why it serves you to be deliberate about speaking in ways that empower and expand rather than devalue and deflate. 


Changing habitual ways of speaking isn’t a one off affair. Tapping in to our personal power starts with building self-awareness of where you are using what psychologists call “out of power” language. Neuro-science has shown that with repeated practice you can rewire your brain and replace negative speech patterns with positive ones.


Your words can be your most powerful tool. They have the power to change your brain—literally.


The science behind positive and negative words

Everything comes back to the brain. It’s in charge of how we analyse, understand and experience our world and everything in it. The brain’s neuroplasticity—its ability to restructure itself—is the very reason we can continue to learn and adapt for our whole lives.

So, what if we told you that the type of language you choose to engage with everyday, has the power to change these structures—for better or for worse. 

The words we use both with others and for self-talk have a direct correlation with how we regulate physical and emotional stress in our brains. Too much stress, and our brain can experience an accelerated rate of deterioration. On the flip side, exercising the effects of kind words can actually promote density growth. 


The more we choose to engage with a type of language, the easier it becomes for the brain to automatically adopt that language in any given situation. This is called the “science of habit” and it refers to the strengthening of the neural pathways our brain builds when we engage with something over and over again. We can use this to our advantage, and “hardwire happiness” into our lives through actively choosing positive words and language structure, more often. 


Can I speak anything I want into existence?

Yes, you can. If you speak into existence what you believe to be true, it will happen for you.

You are the only one that dictates if your manifestation will unfold in your life or not based on the words you say and your ability to believe in your words. There is no limit but the one you determine for yourself.


How quickly can I speak something into existence?

You will bring into existence what you speak as quickly as you believe it should take. It can take a little time or feel like hard work and take a long time. You get to decide.

Some people need time to feel that they have earned their manifestation, so they say, “In six months, I will be living in my dream country.”

Others will realize that time is an illusion, a manufactured concept that does not exist so they will play with the idea of time.

It all happens as quickly as you can believe your words, live the life of someone who has your manifestation, and experience a positive life. You dictate the timing of your manifestation.


More details

“Language is our operating system, shaping our thought and reality as specifically as a set of blueprints defines the architect’s ideas to the builder.” So if we can create our reality with our words, then in order to bring a thought to fruition we first have to speak it. When people say things like “I could never do that” or “I’ll never be able to X,” they’re seemingly affirming that they never will.


Numerous studies on the brain have proven just how powerful our words are. 

“By holding a positive and optimistic [word] in your mind, you stimulate frontal lobe activity. This area includes specific language centers that connect directly to the motor cortex responsible for moving you into action. And as our research has shown, the longer you concentrate on positive words, the more you begin to affect other areas of the brain. 

Functions in the parietal lobe start to change, which changes your perception of yourself and the people you interact with. A positive view of yourself will bias you toward seeing the good in others, whereas a negative self-image will include you toward suspicion and doubt. Over time the structure of your thalamus will also change in response to your conscious words, thoughts, and feelings, and we believe that the thalamic changes affect the way in which you perceive reality.”


Words are energy in the form of vibrations, and our vibrations create our reality. 

Beyond simply saying “focus on the good,” how can we shift our language to be more conscious? Think of transforming your language as an experiment: Shift your words and see if your reality begins to shift. What do you have to lose, after all? 


Secrets to Speak Things Into Existence and Manifest

Once you learn the secrets to speaking things into existence to manifest anything you want, you will realize that your words are a powerful tool that begins the manifestation process and bring good things into your life. You will learn that this manifestation technique starts with the power of your tongue.


Learning the magical effect of the spoken word allowed me to use the law of attraction and the law of assumption to manifest a reality that created positive outcomes in my life. You are only as limited as you believe yourself to be. Your positive speaking and creative visualization are a form of energy and magical power to create your own reality. 


  1. Watch Your Words

What you say out loud and in your mind will create your reality.

Your words are powerful; they are a powerful method of your ability to manifest. The right words will bring you positive things. The wrong words will bring you negative things. These simple words make allow the entire Universe to give you exactly what you desire.

Keep in mind that when you use the word “want,” you have stated that you will stay in the state of “want.”

The Universe doesn’t make sense of what you meant to say; it gives you what you desire. Remember, this is about understanding the power of your words. A lot of people need help to grasp this first step. And successful people get that this is the first thing they must understand to manifest reality.

So, instead, you might use words like “I am someone that lives in a beautiful, comfortable home.” Or you might say, “I am someone that is deeply in love with my soul mate.”

State what you are speaking into existence as they already are. You will want to use the present tense to create positive vibrations and put into effect these universal laws.

Also, people often say things in jokes or sarcasm without realizing that these words are creating our reality. The Universe wants to give you what you want, so when you say in a joking matter, “I am so bad at this!” then you will be bad at it (whatever “this” implies to you). You must be very mindful of the words you use. 


  1. Believe in What You Desire

You will manifest what you say and believe in.

When you notice that your words and your beliefs of what you are saying do not match, you either need to change what you want or remove the blocks causing you to not believe in what you want. Aligning both is important to know to create with the immense power of the words you say.

Every part of you needs to believe in what you are speaking into existence to bring great things into your life. If a part of you is opposed to it in any way, you will not be able to use the power of the spoken word and create a new reality.


  1. Be Picky with Who You Share Your Words

It would be best to keep some of what you are speaking into existence.

It is best to only share your words with those who will be positive and believe the same way you do about your ability to receive your manifestation.

When I have the urge to share with more, I write in my manifestation journal instead, which is more than sufficient for me.


  1. Live as if You Already Have it.

Assume you already have it. In the law of assumption, when you say what you desire to manifest and every part of you believes it, you have already created it. Now it’s about living the life of someone with it so that you can unfold into the reality where it exists. When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself, what would the version of me that has my desires do today? How would she walk about her life? How would she interact with others? How would she make decisions? And then be that person. If it helps, use positive affirmations to instill this new version of yourself. You will manifest what you speak into existence much faster when you live as someone already having it.


  1. Live a Positive Lifestyle

The simple truth is that happiness science and spirituality agree on this point: positive thoughts and lifestyle will lead you to more positive changes and things in your life.

It also works the other way around: negative thoughts will lead to negative outcomes.

The path to happiness leads you to positivity and leads you to manifest your desires. It is that simple. You are not your mind; you are not your body. You can observe your thoughts without inviting every one of them in to set home in your mind. Sometimes, this seems hard, but you can do it by creating new habits. The best way to keep a positive mindset is through gratitude. Write at least three things you are grateful for daily, starting with the smallest things. And each day, add to this list. Before you know it, you’ll find that your mind is shifting to more positivity as you focus on gratitude. It happens naturally, on its own. And amazing things will start to show up in your own life. Another way to live a positive lifestyle is by connecting more with nature. Being in nature will clear your mind, get you out of your head, provide clarity, inspiration, and motivation, and remind you of how abundant the Earth is, and in turn, you are too.With the law of attraction, what you think about will come your way. Use the power of thoughts to focus on good and positive scenarios and visuals in your mind.

As you become more positive, you’ll find your manifestations coming quicker and quicker into your life.


Conclusion: Create Your Reality Today

So there you have it – the secrets to speaking things into existence and manifesting your heart’s desires. It’s all about your words, your beliefs, and your actions. Remember, your words have power, and your thoughts shape your reality. Don’t just wish for things; speak them into existence and act like they’re already here. Be mindful of the words you use, believe in your desires, and share your words wisely. And most Speak Things Into Existence importantly, live as if you already have what you desire, maintain a positive lifestyle, and embrace gratitude.Your life can be as extraordinary as you want it to be. Today is the right time to start creating your desired reality. Remember, you’re only as limited as you believe yourself to be. It’s time to harness the power of your words and beliefs to create a life you love. Speak your dreams into existence – the Universe is listening!


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