This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series Self Development Tools


Most of us are frequently visited by negative thoughts, which influence our mood and confidence. The problem with negative thoughts is that they can become self-fulfilling prophecies. There’s this great quote from Henry Ford that captures this idea well: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” So why not try to reverse the game and use positive, empowering, and uplifting thoughts? Most of us have a constant stream of thoughts running in the back of our minds from sunup to sundown — and this inner voice has plenty to say about how we look, act, think and feel. A lot of the time the things we say to ourselves aren’t really conscious, and a lot of our self-talk is critical. Self-talk can be positive or negative, but it’s all too easy to slip into those negative thought patterns. This is because our thought patterns are learned. What we think on a regular basis changes our brain structure, making it easier to unconsciously repeat the same thoughts and ideas. In other words, the more you tell yourself you aren’t good enough, the easier it is to think and believe it.  But this also means you have the power to change your brain function and train your self-talk to be more compassionate. One way to do just that? Positive affirmations.  


What are affirmations?

Affirmations are a self-help strategy used to promote self-confidence and belief in your own abilities. These simple statements help shift your focus away from perceived failures or inadequacies and direct your focus toward your strengths. Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging  and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes. Affirmations are like exercises for our mind and outlook. These positive mental repetitions can reprogram our thinking patterns so that, over time, we begin to think – and act – differently.  Affirmations can be really powerful, and they are also easy to use. When you begin to form thoughts and repeat similar things again and again, you start believing in the ideas.  The strength of words is amazing, and everything in our lives is described by them. If we can create our own narrative, and make sure that we are using our mind to be positive, we will be in a much better position. We must accept that our ideas create our actions and our actions become our reality. If we continually immerse ourselves with negative thought forms, we will take steps in real life to self sabotage, and create a painful reality. Positive affirmations can help take your world from negative to positive in just a few minutes. They also give you a positive base in your mental reality to work from. In simple terms, the definition of affirmations (sometimes called “self-affirmations”) is using ‘positive sentences that you repeat to yourself’ to build up self-belief in the subconscious mind. This means effectively writing a list of affirmations that inspire and motivate you to be better and help to overcome inner barriers and self-doubt. When you first start saying these phrases, they might not necessarily be true. But they should be designed to reflect what you want to be true. You need to make them powerful and unique to who and what you want to become. Then, over time, the consistent repetition of daily positive affirmations will help to reshape your inner beliefs and assumptions about yourself and the world around you. This reshaping gives you a more positive perception of who you are and where you stand. So most importantly, you have to truly believe an affirmation to be true. According to the Law of Attraction, what you think and feel shapes your reality. The power of your subconscious mind helps to highlight affirmations in their ability to transform your external world by first changing your internal one. In addition, you can use affirmations for all sorts of goals, from self-confidence to career success, love, and abundance. Their only limitations are the ones you place on them.

What are positive affirmations?

You may choose to use positive affirmations to motivate yourself, encourage positive changes in your life, or boost your self-esteem. If you frequently find yourself getting caught up in negative self-talk, positive affirmations can be used to combat these often subconscious patterns and replace them with more adaptive narratives. Positive affirmations are similar to personal mantras, but they’re more of a mental shortcut that’s reflective of your personal values. A positive affirmation is a concise, realistic statement that embodies something we value, whether it’s who we want to be or what we want in life. Our brains are always looking for shortcuts and tend to latch onto thoughts that come up the most or are the most easily accessible. The key to finding a positive affirmation that works for you is not to simply adapt a phrase you heard or to use one that’s worked well for someone else. It has to make sense in your life and reflect your personal values. Positive affirmations are designed to encourage positive, happy feelings, thoughts, and attitudes. They’re positive statements that challenge negative, self-sabotaging, or unhelpful thoughts. You can think of them as exercises for your mind and outlook. What you repeat to yourself over and over again rewires your brain and becomes your reality. It just happens over time, bit by bit, the same way you build muscle when exercising physically. Positive affirmations are a form of self-talk where you consciously stop to notice, appreciate and give credit to yourself. It’s a way of affirming for yourself who you are and who you want to be or where you want to get in the future. Traditionally, positive affirmations are thought of as phrases you repeat to yourself to cultivate a more positive self-view. Things like, “I am worthy of love,” “I am grateful for my body” and “I have the ability to achieve my dreams” are all positive affirmations. Practicing positive affirmations can also look like finding ways to affirm yourself throughout your day. This might mean pausing to tell yourself you are a talented and valuable co-worker when you notice self-doubt creeping in at work or saying to yourself, “I am beautiful” when you catch your own eye in the mirror.  


Benefits of Daily Affirmations


How they work

Neuroplasticity, or your brain’s ability to change and adapt to different circumstances throughout your life, offers a clue to help understand not only what makes affirmations work, but how to make them more effective. Your brain sometimes gets a little mixed up on the difference between reality and imagination, which can be surprisingly useful. Creating a mental image of yourself doing something daunting activates many of the same brain areas that actually experiencing these situations would. Regular repetition of affirming statements about yourself can encourage your brain to take these positive affirmations as fact. When you truly believe you can do something, your actions often follow.


If the idea that you can change the way you think about yourself by repeating some positive phrases feels a little far-fetched, we get it. But over time what you tell yourself does have the ability shape how you think and feel.  To understand how, it helps to first know some of the science behind how we think. The human brain is made of billions of neurons, which are cells that send messages between the different brain regions. When you think, neurons fire electrical impulses along pathways in your brain, which makes those neurons more sensitive and strengthens the pathways. In contrast, the brain will eventually trim the connections between neurons when those pathways aren’t used. So, when you repeatedly think something, you are strengthening that pathway in your brain, making it easier to fall into that thought in the future.  “On a biological level, the familiar roads you travel tend to be the ones you will travel in the future,” Kirkland says.  Positive affirmations help you to disrupt this process and take a different road. Instead of falling into the groove of the old pathway, you intentionally tell yourself a new thought so that you build a new route in your brain. Over time, this reinforces the pathway and makes it easier to have positive thought patterns. 

“The idea is that you are what you habitually think,” Kirkland says. “Positive affirmations are really a way of consciously counteracting negative things we tell ourselves day in and day out.”Your thoughts influence your actions, so for example, the more you affirm for yourself that you have the ability to succeed at work, the more likely you are to take the time to learn new skills or take on new projects. Plus, Kirkland notes that you are more likely to notice and recall experiences that affirm what you think. If you tell yourself, “I am a valuable co-worker,” you’ll be more likely to notice your successes and give yourself grace when you make mistakes. As noted above, the majority of Law of Attraction practitioners use daily affirmations to replace outdated limiting beliefs. As new, more positive beliefs form in your mind, it becomes progressively easier to create what you want in life, no matter what that is.

However, daily affirmations are also proven to change the way you think in numerous other ways. In fact, psychologists and neurologists are increasingly interested in how positive affirmations affect the brain and subconscious mind. Some of the proven benefits of daily affirmations include the following…


Remember, action is key

Repeating an affirmation can help boost your motivation and confidence, but you still have to take some action yourself. Try thinking of affirmations as a step toward change, not the change itself. Consider that nosy co-worker who always asks questions about your personal life. You don’t want to say anything to offend, but you also have no intention of answering their questions. An affirmation like “I can remain calm even when I feel annoyed” might guide you to a habit of deep breathing or grounding exercises when you start to feel your blood boil. These tactics, combined with your affirmations, help you get through the stressful moment until you can politely make an escape. The affirmation didn’t make the change, you did. But it did offer a starting point.


When using affirmations, there are a few things to keep in mind:


Using Affirmations: When Is The Best Time to Use Them?

There is no right or wrong answer to when is the best time to use affirmations. Most people prefer to use affirmations in the afternoon or evening, however, there is apparently a far greater benefit from using them in the morning. The main reason for using morning affirmations is to effectively set up your day with positive framing of the mind. Plus, saying powerful affirmations when you wake up can help you shake off any negativity from dreams or block your brain from filling up with any problems or difficulties you may be facing. In truth, the best thing to do is to affirm yourself constantly throughout the day to maintain that way of thinking. Our advice is for people to always try these things and notice the difference in your life and what an impact it can have. Certainly when starting out it would be best to make this the first thing you do and many successful believers will have affirmation cards or post-it notes in view as soon as they wake for this reason.


How to Use Positive Affirmations

You can use affirmations in any situation where you’d like to see a positive change take place in your life. These might include times when you want to:

Affirmations may be more effective when you pair them with other positive thinking and goal-setting techniques. For instance, affirmations work particularly well alongside visualisation . So, instead of just picturing the change you’d like to see, you can also write it down or say it aloud using a positive affirmation. Affirmations are also useful when setting personal goals . Once you’ve identified the goals you’d like to achieve, affirmative statements can help you to keep yourself motivated in order to achieve them. The power of affirmations lies in repeating them to yourself regularly. It’s useful to recite your affirmations several times a day (have them pop up in your notifications!). You also need to repeat your affirmations as soon as you engage in the negative thought or behaviour that you want to overcome.


Positive affirmations can be used in a variety of ways, including the following.


Tips for setting positive affirmations that stick 


Practise affirming yourself every day

To get the most benefit from affirmations, you’ll want to start a regular practice and make it a habit. Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day. Try saying affirmations upon waking up and getting into bed, for example. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times. Listen to yourself saying it, focusing on the words as they leave your mouth. As you say them, believe them to be true. Make your routine consistent. Try not to skip any days. If you meditate, affirmations can be a great addition to your daily practice. Be patient. It may take some time before you notice any changes, so stick with your practice! Start in the morning as soon as you wake up and take deep breaths, think positively about your day. Say your positive affirmation clearly and little loudly so your ears can hear your words. Repeat the affirmations 2-4 times in a day and think about your goals. When you are finished, take deep breaths, absorb the positive energy, and let go of any negative thoughts


Example of how to use affirmations

Take three deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling to a count of 10. Stand in front of a mirror and look yourself in the eyes. Smile, if it feels natural. Say your affirmation (or list of positive affirmations) slowly and clearly. Repeat the affirmation(s) 3-5 times, really focusing on the meaning of each word. Take another three deep breaths, allowing your body to absorb the positive feeling of the affirmation(s). In addition, note that it’s important to set aside a specific time that you dedicate to your affirmations. They are much less powerful if you rush through them on the way out the door rather than taking the time to truly visualise what you are saying!


Using Money Affirmations

Affirmations for money are ideal for you if you’re trying to manifest abundance. Many of us have negative beliefs surrounding wealth when after all, money is energy. Affirmations can help us see our relationship with money in a better light, thereby helping us attract it.

For example, you might use something like the following: “I am ready, willing, and happy to receive money.”, “I am letting go of all negative beliefs I have about money.”


Using Love Affirmations

Love affirmations and affirmations for romance can work wonders for your self-confidence and ability to manifest love or a soul-mate. They help you connect with the reality of love and encourage you to believe it is possible to find. One common example is “I am attracting my soulmate, and my life is full of love and joy”. This affirmation is related to the Law of Attraction ‘knowing’ technique “living as if.” The key idea here is to act and speak as though you already have the love of your life. This can draw that person to you more quickly. 


Using Self-Love Affirmations

No matter what your Law of Attraction goal is, affirmations for self-esteem (or “I am” affirmations) can make a difference. They speak to the heart of your self-concept, helping you believe you are the kind of person who attracts good things. Everyone has different weak spots that they might want to address with self-love affirmations. That being said, a good and widely applicable example is “I am overflowing with love, joy, and positive energy. I can do anything!”. Here are 3 more self-love affirmations to try today: “I respect and love myself!”, “The only approval I need is my own.”, “My mind is bursting with bright ideas, kind words, and happiness.”


Using Healing AffirmationsUsing Healing Affirmations

Whether you’re struggling with a physical, mental, or emotional affliction, daily affirmations for healing can empower you. They reinforce the belief that you can get past your current hardship. Plus, this type of daily affirmations can help you access your deepest sources of strength and recovery. One healing affirmation you can try is “My body [or mind] knows how to heal itself, and it is healing itself right now”. This creates a harmonious union between your soul and your body, unifying their energy and promoting greater well-being.


Using Affirmations For Success And Prosperity

Affirmations for success and prosperity are very popular in the business world. You’ll often see them mentioned in Law of Attraction success stories about people who went from rags to riches! They are an important weapon against our tendency to self-sabotage. For example, you might want to try “I am confident, capable, and achieving everything I set my mind to”. For an extra jolt of energy, try adopting a power stance while saying this affirmation! Simply spread your legs and put your hands on your hips. Looking at inspirational quotes that get your heart pumping and motivation up is also a great way to get you aligned with success.


Law Of Attraction Affirmations

Some of the most powerful affirmations are brought to life most significantly by understanding and using the Law of Attraction methods. Law of Attraction focuses heavily on training your subconscious mind from limiting and often damaging beliefs that are instilled in us throughout the course of our lives. Therefore Law of Attraction affirmations specifically target the areas of your life that need improving and help you believe that you really can attract all of your dreams by improving self-perception. They are also designed to ensure that you keep constant attention to your thoughts and behaviours as your day progresses. And becoming more conscious of the way that you perceive yourself, in turn, helps to combat the limiting beliefs that might otherwise creep in to create a negative reality. An example of a Law of Attraction affirmation that can be adjusted to suit you would be: “I am attracting a better, happier life every day, and I trust the Universe to give me what I need”. To make it even more powerful is to channel your mind on specific elements of the affirmation. For example “I AM attracting a BETTER, happier life every day, and I TRUST the Universe to GIVE ME what I need.”


Louise Hay Affirmations

Finally, if you want to find an affirmations expert then it’s well worth reading the work of Louise Hay. Famous for her inspirational quotes and her popular book “Power Thoughts: 365 Daily Affirmations”, Louise Hay has helped hundreds of people find love, abundance, happiness, and success. For example, try some of the following positive daily affirmations:

“I accept my power.”, “All areas of my life are abundant and filling.”, “Every experience I have is perfect for my growth.”, “I am worth loving. There is love all around me.”


Examples of Positive Affirmations

If you’re interested in making positive affirmations part of your daily routine and are keen to create your own, consider the examples recommended below: 


To alleviate anxiety and stress:

“I am calm, I am in control, and I am safe.”, “I am stronger than my anxiety.”, “I am enough. I did enough. I can let go.”


To combat depression:

“I am in charge of how I feel, and today I choose happiness.”, “I am content, I am safe, and I feel strong.”, “I am a resilient survivor.”


To build confidence and motivation:

“I am a leader, and challenges help me grow.”, “I am strong, I am capable, and I feel great.”, “I am choosing to be helpful and kind.


To improve self-worth:

“I am original, and I matter.”, “I love deeply and deserve to be loved fully.”, “I forgive myself for mistakes I made when I didn’t know better.”, “I am worthy of respect.”


25 powerful positive affirmations

I am whole and complete.

I am exactly where I need to be now.

I feel calmer and more at peace with each exhale.

I am loved and deserve love just the way I am.

I feel empowered, in control, and confident.

I am at peace with myself.

I focus on what I can change and let go of everything else.

I accept all my feelings without judgment.

I take things one step at a time.

I matter, no matter what.

I accept myself.

My thoughts and feelings are valid.

I release all negative feelings about money.

I welcome abundance into my life.

I open my mind to everything life has to offer.

My success brings happiness both to me and those close to me.

I feel financially secure and at peace.

Opportunities are all around me.

I am grateful for my imagination, creativity, and all the great ideas I come up with.

I am grateful for the kind and loving people in my life.

I am grateful for all the experiences that make me who I am.

I am grateful for my resilience and strength.

I am grateful for the challenges that help me grow.

I am grateful for having a sense of purpose and meaning.

I am grateful for my ability to learn and improve


How to Write an Affirmation Statement

Affirmation statements usually target a specific area, behaviour or belief that you’re struggling with. The following points can help you to write the affirmation statement that best fits your needs.


Step 1: Start with ‘I am…’Starting your affirmation with the words ‘I am’ makes it more powerful. It utilises language that gives your subconscious brain an order. When you say ‘I am’ your mind receives it as an order that has a powerful creative influence.


Step 2: Write in Present Tense: Composing and speaking of your affirmation in present tense encourages you to accept that the affirmation is genuine at the present moment.

Compose and speak your affirmation as it is happening right now. This encourages you to accept that the affirmation is genuine at the present moment. For example, “I am well-prepared and, and I can give an extraordinary introduction…” would be an incredible affirmation to use if you feel anxious talking before a big group of people.


Step 3: Write About Things You Want to Change: In your affirmation statement, write about areas of your life which you want to change. For example, if you want to be more confident, write affirmations that allow you to feel more confident about realistic things. You can list all the things you need to work on, and then work on making them a reality in your life.


Step 4: Make it Short: Always try to make your affirmation statement very specific and brief. Never write a paragraph, and confuse yourself with way too much information. Make your affirmation feel natural so your mind can easily visualise the results. Simply say “I am eating healthy food” instead of saying “I generally pick healthy food over junk food since I’m aware of my wellbeing”


Step 5: Be Realistic: You should always use a realistic approach and base it on a practical evaluation of your life. Imagine that you are not happy about your height, and you need to accept that you won’t grow any more. Instead of focusing on what you view as a negative thing, focus on being positive about reality. You could say “I am a great height and I love myself”. Some things just aren’t going to change, and you need to find ways to love who you are!


Step 6: Add Feeling Into the Affirmation: Affirmations will be more valuable when you add a personal touch. You are talking to yourself, and you will need to address how you actually feel about yourself, and your situation. For instance, if you are worried about your new job and its responsibilities, you need to say “I am ready to accept more challenges and excited to meet new people.” A big part of writing good affirmations is making sure that your view of the world is realistic. If you are feeling nervous, you need to address those feelings in the affirmation. There is no point in lying to yourself, especially if you are working to make your life better!


Example of an affirmation statement

I have plenty of creativity for this project. My work will be recognized in a positive way 

I can do this! I am successful. I am honest in my life, and my work. I like completing tasks and projects on time. I’m grateful for the job I have. I’m bringing a positive attitude to work every day. I am excellent at what I do. I am resilient. I am proud of myself. 


Positive affirmations are more than just wishful thinking–there is a fair bit of science behind them. Repeating an affirmation can help boost your motivation, confidence, resilience to stress, and general outlook on life, to name just a few of the benefits. They can lift you up when you’re feeling down, but they can also help improve what’s already good. And you still have to take some action yourself. Think of affirmations as a step toward change, not the change itself. 

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