Categories: Spirituality

Reaching Spirit

This entry is part 13 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spirituality


Now more than ever people are wanting to find ways to interact with and communicate with the spirit world. The past few years have been rife with uncertainty and have caused many people to look beyond the world around them for answers and reassurance. Let’s explore the various tools and communication methods we can use to connect with spirit both effectively and safely.

Before Reaching Out 

When reaching out to spirit, the first thing to do is to set an intention, and it’s important that this intention is honest, genuine and sensible. This can be simply achieved by thinking about what you hope to receive from them – for example, an encouraging sign, or words of assurance.

Oracle Cards 

The most common way to communicate with spirit is through the help of oracle cards. It is important that you have set your intention before you use them. I often ask for a three-card spread from spirit to convey a message to me regarding an important question I have about my life. Next, begin to shuffle the deck of cards in a way that feels comfortable to you. You can either wait until a card slips out of the pack or break the deck in half and select the card that lies in the middle. Repeat this twice more to end up with three cards in total. Try to avoid only interpreting the card according to its corresponding explanation in the instruction book. Instead, stare at each card, one at a time and determine a message. This is understanding intuitively from your loved one. When you practise this, allow your mind to drift, and then

take note of the first thing to consider upon finalising your shuffle. If you pursue the cards that fell or you selected and they all relate to the same theme – allow your mind to drift further to where you would place that theme in your current life. Oftentimes, by concentrating on one specific area, you help spirit to then reply in a more specific, personalised way within the card spread. Pay close attention to the nuances found in the card read. For example, you might notice that as you shuffle and a card falls out.

Issues to Overcome with Oracle Cards 

Every so often, you might not feel connected with the spread you’ve selected, or that the message is not making sense of aligning. At this point, you might want to consider some of the issues that can roadblock you from getting a clear reading:

  • Your question is too specific and cant be answered in an oracle reading. To address this next time, ask a question that is a little more open-ended.
  • You haven’t set your oracle cards correctly at the commencement of the reading by calling upon the right person who you want to inspire the cards. To address this next time, call upon your spirit guide to inspire the cards or a loved one who has passed.
  • Your cards were given to you by someone else, or after purchasing them you didn’t clear them spiritually with sage or some other cleansing energy to reset and reconfigure the energy to be channelled to you. In this case, smoke the cards with your favourite sage, palo santo or other cleansing substance, while saying something like, ‘i clear these cards and reset them to my energy field’.

Automatic Writing 

Automatic writing is a practice whereby a spirit is believed to manipulate a persons pen to write a message or simply inspire the writer to communicate a message. Automatic writing is a tool that can link you directly with your loved one. Before you begin writing, it’s important to articulate a special intention into the spiritual realm so that your loved one is clear about what you’re wanting to achieve by carrying out this practice. Start by asking a question you want answered, or perhaps mentioning a topic you would like their input on, write this topic or question at the top of the page for them to see. For example: ‘today I would like to connect with [insert loved one’s name] and invite them to utilise the tool of automatic writing to answer my enquiry and communicate a message of hope to me’. Once you have asked this, close your eyes and begin to swirl your pen in a corner of the page, allowing the ink to flow. invite spirit by focusing on the page and imagining a white light is slowly moving towards the pen. Once you feel the white light has reached the pen, begin to write. It is very normal to feel at first as though it is just you who is writing. However, with the intention that you set and the visualisation task that you did, you will most likely have linked in directly with the person you need a message from. Allow the inspiration to flow as the pen moves across the page, tuning in to any significant thoughts and feelings that you feel compelled to write down. When you feel a stop or pause, realise its spirit completing the answer or inspiring message. Just like riding a bike, it can take time to feel confident. but with practice and consistency, it’s very possible to reach a point where the pen will simply write with almost no effort from you.


Pendulums are great when you are looking for straightforward answers. It won’t be as richly detailed as an oracle card reading. It’s important to set a clear intention for what you are hoping to achieve. It is important before using yours that you have cleared it of the energies that it has picked up on its journey to you. The energetic field of the pendulum will be static, just like the fuzzy screen on a tv when there is no signal. So before you use one you need to reset it and navigate to the right channel – your channel. To do this, clear it by burning sage or palo santo or something you like, while saying some words over the pendulum such as, ‘I clear the energy over the pendulum and claim it as mine. The energy surrounding it that has been picked up is now dismissed and I charge it with my own unique energy. I choose to use this pendulum for a good cause and with pure intentions’.

We must not only set our intentions each time we use a pendulum, but we also need to clearly articulate the way we want to use it. For example, most people will ask their pendulum to swing backwards and forwards like a head no if the answer to their question is ‘yes’; to swing side to side like a shaking head if the answer is ‘no’; and to swing around in a circle if the answer is ‘I don’t know’ or ‘maybe’. Pendulums are great for letting your loved ones communicate straightforward ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers, so be sure to keep this in mind when you’re setting your intention and thinking of questions to ask. Yes/no or this or that questions are an easy entry point for using pendulums. First we need to set the pendulum and make contact. You could say, ‘today I want to utilise the help of my pendulum by communicating with [name the person]. If you answer the pendulum with ‘yes’, please swing it back and forth; if it is ‘no’ swing it side to side; and if your answer is ‘maybe’ or ‘I don’t know’, simply swing the pendulum in a circle. Then we need to test whether contact has been made, which you can do by asking your pendulum questions to see if they will get it right. Start simple, with queries such as ‘is my name [your name]?’ wait for the pendulum to swing back and forth to say ‘yes’.

Next, ask a ‘no’ question, something like, ‘did I travel to France today?’ wait for the pendulum to swing side to side. Do this as many times as necessary until you feel convinced that the pendulum is actually alive. You have made contact with your loved one! Now proceed with your yes/no question. Remember that it is all about intention and it doesn’t matter how many questions you want to ask. Pendulums are a great way to get definitive answers and the tool is a wonderful means to get validation and evidence that you have connected with a spirit.

The Manager 

Going to a medium is a sure way to link in with spirit. You can verbally and intimately experience spirit sharing a message that they want to bring over and also answering questions for you in real-time. Preparing for a mediumship appointment requires you to set your intention. Consider why you want to see the medium. In a mediumship appointment, the psychic will communicate what they know about the spirit stepping forward. Before you seek out a medium, it is always a good idea to consider whether it’s the right time. Many people rush to a medium the moment someone dies. However, due to the grief a person experiences, their vibration will be naturally low and can put pressure on the session to the point where the spirit of the recently deceased may not come through. Wait six months after passing. If you can’t connect to a specific spirit after several appointments with different mediums don’t be alarmed. When the spirit is ready, they will step forward.

How Spirit can Connect with us

Don’t forget that your loved ones can seek you out too, to impart a message of their own.


A common method that spirit will choose to connect with us is telepathy – yet nine times out of ten we ignore it. Spirit will speak directly to us through our thoughts and feelings. You will simply know inside that when you’re in need and you feel an answer or a gentle sense of encouragement floating towards you, it was spirit. Telepathic messages from spirit are ever so subtle and non-threatening. Spirit will not interrupt you in aggressive ways or make unnecessary judgements over your life. If you hear something like that it’s probably not spirit talking to you – it might be a shadowy part of your subconscious. Telepathy from spirit will fall softly on your lens of your thoughts and often sound like your loved one communicating.


Spirit knows that if we don’t pay attention to our own stream of thoughts and internal dialogue, we might heed the words of others. So what better way for our loved ones to bring us a message than through those we interact with. Spirit will use people we interact with in the physical world as vessels for delivering special messages from loved ones in the spiritual world to bring a message that can uplift you at a moment’s notice.


Spirit knows that if we don’t pay attention to our own stream of thoughts and internal dialogue, we might heed the words of others. So what better way for our loved ones to bring us a message than through those we interact with. Spirit will use people we interact with in the physical world as vessels for delivering special messages from loved ones in the spiritual world to bring a message that can uplift you at a moment’s notice.


Just like with source and the higher self, you might start to see various patterns of numbers that indicate your loved one is nearby. Often your loved ones will go out of their way to make sure that numbers in your life start to become a lot more attuned to whatever number is meaningful to you.


Think of moments over this past fortnight when you might have been gently guided or reached a conclusion about something by way of intuition as opposed to cold hard facts. When did you follow your gut instinct? 

Next Topic: There is No Such Thing as Goodbye

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