This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Spirituality Topics

What can a 3 card reading be used for?

A 3 card angel oracle reading gives you guidance for your relationship, your career and any other area of your life that you want to ask about.


This 3 card spread answers questions about your past, present and future. As you select your 3 cards, think about the questions you’d like answered or the problems you’re facing. As you read the interpretations on each card, consider how they apply to the question you asked about your current situation. 


The 1st card (the past) represents what has led up to this situation – why you’re currently in the spot you’re in. 


The 2nd card (the present) – this card represents the current problem or situation. Because it represents your present, pay close attention to this card as it may be trying to show you things that you’ve previously overlooked or hadn’t noticed.


The 3rd card (the future) – this provides guidance to face and overcome your issue. It provides an overview of the best possible outcome. 


How to give a 3 card reading 


Step 1 – clear your card deck using white age or white light procedure. Make sure all your cards are the right way up. 


Step 2 – Prepare your cards. Briefly touch all the cards to introduce my energy to them or simply hold them in my hands and hold the cards to my heart and ask to make an energetic connection to them. They now carry my personal vibration and are connected to my energy field.


Step 3 – for a daily reading – Ask a question. Think of a question you would like to have answered. If you are doing a daily card for yourself, you will ask for a card to support me throughout my day. If you are pulling cards for someone else, ask him to think about or voice a question for something that is happening in the present. You don’t need to ask your question out loud. 


If it is for a monthly reading – set your intent for the reading. Connect with the cards and in your mind ask for an angel / signs to come forward to support you for the month ahead.


If it is for a yearly reading – you are asking for a life path reading ‘where am i headed to now if i carry on with what i am doing’.  When you read your future card you will be viewing your future as the best possible outcome for where you are at the moment. Connect with the cards and in your mind ask for an angel / signs to come forward to support you for the year ahead.


Step 4 – shuffle the cards. Think of the question or the day ahead as you shuffle the cards. If you are asking someone else, ask in your mind’s eye for an angel card to support them with their question or their day. 


Step 5 – Choose 3 card.  Once you stop shuffling. Pull any card from the desk. The card you draw is always the right one. Every card is positive so don’t worry about choosing wrongly. You may pull a card from the top of the stack or anywhere on the stack you feel called to. The card you pull is the answer to your question or is the energy for the day that will be working with you. As you connect with the energy of the angel card, read the key word. Notice any other additional words, thoughts or visions that come to you as they are also messages. The picture on the card is also important. How do you feel? Everything you see and feel is part of the answer. Did a card fall out?  


Pull one card and lay it down. Pull another and lay it to the right of the first card which represents the present. Pull a third card and lay it to the right of the centre card which represents the future. 


Step 6 – read the card information. Notice any thoughts or feelings that come to you as they are also answers. Hold the card to your heart. Put the card up somewhere so you can connect with the energy throughout the day. 

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