Categories: Spirituality

Decoding Common Signs, Dreams and Symbols

This entry is part 8 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spirituality


The universe is constantly trying to make contact with us and bring us new information through signs, dreams and symbols. Signs are markers in your life from source to do two things: encourage you or get your attention. Source does not meddle with your life without your permission. When you receive such visions, dreams, signs and symbols, either you are being given encouragement to continue on your way, or it’s an invitation to allow source to move in closer and take some of the load you’re carrying off your back and support you with its own plan.


These are communications from the spirit world. When you are asleep, you are able to block out the world around you and be presented with a theme, a story or narrative in a dream that you are likely to pay close attention to upon waking up. But sometimes dreams can just be a reflection of the subconscious mind. To know whether it is coming from your subconscious or a spiritual sign is how you awake from the dream. If you wake up panicked, often that dream will stem from a subconscious psychological process you are dealing with. If you wake up curious then it’s likely you have made contact with the spiritual world in your sleep.

Back to School

Dreaming about being back at school is a sign that you are in a learning chapter of your life and that source is encouraging you to take what you have learned in the past and activate or use it in the present. You will be shown a school dream if you are not grasping something that source is trying to tell you.

The Mother

This is a sign from the universe that the divine feminine energy of mother nature is stepping closer to you. Even if you are not sure where things are taking you in the current moment in your life, it’s important to accept and surrender to the flow of life. The divine feminine is calling you to slow down, take stock of your current life situation and consider where your broader life plan is going.

The Father

This is a sign from the universe that your path and life, whether you see it or not, is taking shape. You are in the midst of setting up strong foundations. A father figure can provide wisdom and guidance if you are at a crossroads in life.

The Ocean

This is a sign of untapped potential – it means that spirit is encouraging you to explore and unlock possibilities and opportunities that you may not have considered before. Spirit is encouraging you to be more curious about your life and the world around you. It could also be the universe’s way of acknowledging any apprehension you might be having about new possibilities and helping you to see a way forward.

The Forest 

This signifies a special time of personal development and introspection. Spirit is asking you to examine your current thoughts, feelings and motivations. You might dream of a forest if you feel stuck about your current situation. It can also be a reminder that it’s okay to reconsider the path you’re on, slow down and inspect your current needs.

The Tall Peak 

This is a divine sign that represents one primary challenge you might be facing, source is telling you that you’re facing this challenge not to punish or distress you but to give you an opportunity for personal growth.

The Celebrity

Consider the craft or art this person produces. What is the song you can’t get out of your head? What is the theme of the movie the actor is in?


This is a clear sign from spirit that you are cooking up something new in the near future. Or even surprise, surprise – a baby!


Know these dreams are normal. It’s a sign that spirit has recognised you are taking on too much in your life. It’s time to pull back and take a break if you are feeling overwhelmed. This is also a sign that you might be feeling unsupported at this time.

Teeth Falling Out 

This dream occurs when spirit has seen that you are holding pent-up anxiety. This anxiety is usually in the form of your sense of productivity or purpose being called into question.

Being Chased

This is a sign that spirit can see that demands are creeping up on you. The dream is an acknowledgement that these things will soon pass – but you do need to address them. Ignoring something will not make it go away.

Recurring Plot Line 

A recurring plotline is spirit trying to draw your attention to the meaning behind the dreams that they are sending. They are asking you to pay close attention. Facing, source is telling you that you’re facing this challenge not to punish or distress you but to give you an opportunity for personal growth.

How to Decode Dream with Spirit 

You can simply ask spirit to communicate the meaning of your dream in your mind throughout the day. You could also draw upon a deck of oracle cards. You can also use a pendulum. A pendulum is any weighted matter hung from a fixed point in order to let it swing back and forth. If you want to know if a message was from spirit, you might use the pendulum to ask a series of yes-or-no questions aloud. The pendulum will answer by swinging side to side (no) or forwards and backwards (yes).

Signs and Symbols 

If spirit can’t reach you when you’re asleep, then there’s every chance it will try to contact you when you’re awake, through signs and symbols that are hiding in plain sight.

Spirit Numbers 

Spirit numbers or synchronised numbers are a phenomenon of repeated numbers appearing to you in the world. 

A Pattern of 1’s 

This is a symbol of divine intervention; a clear sign that it isn’t only on the physical plane that you are being supported but also in the spiritual world.

A Pattern of 2’s 

Seeing repeating 2’s is your reminder from spirit that mothering and nurturing energies are present and willing to step in and assist you.

A Pattern of 3’s 

This is associated with good luck, and means that spirit is endowing you with favourable energy. This is spirit letting you know that you have the approval and favour of your spirit team, guides or source that the direction in which you are taking things is being supported.

A Pattern of 4’s

This is a masculine sign from spirit. This number is spirit reassuring you that logistically, you are going to be provided for and what might not seem apparent right now is about to be revealed.

A Pattern of 5’s 

This is a sacred symbol from spirit reminding you of your health, vitality and light. You can access and invoke these through manifestation and intention.

A Pattern of 6’s

This number is associated with your ego. It may be calling you to reflect on how you are handling things and if you are truly aligned with your values and morals at this time.

A Pattern of 7’s 

This symbol represents determination. It is a reminder that you sit in the seat of power in your life and that deep down you know where you are going and why you are here.

A Pattern of 8’s 

This symbol is a sign to rest and renew.

A Pattern of 9’s

This is the symbol for commitment and completion. It is also a reminder to finish what you started.

A Pattern of 10’s

This is a symbol of fortune and abundance.

A Pattern of 11’s 

This is a powerful number sequence and is often associated with big changes that are dawning in your life.


The feather

A feather is a divine symbol sent collectively from your spirit team. This is a reminder that they recently heard you ask them for guidance or that you are being supported at this time by them.

Déjá vu

If your spirit team cannot command your complete attention they will often move closer and drop new downloads of encouragement. When a spirit has done this, it often feels like the phenomenon of déjá vu.

Finding money

This can be a sign from source to you. Not only is it immediately a new item of abundance, it is also a sign that there is more on the way. This is a sign that your frequency is aligned to receive a new form of financial increase if you are willing and ready to make the effort and put in the time required.

Party decorations

This is a sign from spirit that it is celebrating and cheering you on, commending you on your amazing recent achievements or actions.

Someone has or wears the same thing as you

This is actually spirit reminding you of your unique qualities. We often think we are the only ones that own such a thing. It’s a reminder that you are impacting the world in your own way and it’s something to be commended for.

A stopped clock or watch

Look up the meaning of the number that your clock stopped on and see how its meaning can be applicable to your life right now.

Ringing in the ear

This might occur when you are in moments of high thought, contemplating spiritual questions; or it may occur when you are feeling a strong, high-vibration emotion such as happiness, compassion and love.

Keep your eyes open

You are never alone. Spirit is constantly trying to find ways to reach out to you. There are hundreds more signs out there in the world and you might become privy to them as you step closer to spirit.


Take time to ask spirit if there are any signs not mentioned in this that might be evident in your life. If you do this while closing your eyes, you might notice imagery or a story playing in your mind. Look at the things that manifest within the vision from spirit and realise they are being employed to both encourage you and grab your attention for a specific reason. Remember to not be alarmed but allow them to show you what these signs are for. If you can meet them with an open and curious heart, they will willingly assist!

Next Topic: Manifesting 


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