Decoding Common Signs, Dreams and Symbols

This entry is part 8 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spirituality

Introduction  The universe is constantly trying to make contact with us and bring us new information through signs, dreams and symbols. Signs are markers in your life from source to do two things: encourage you or get your attention. Source does not meddle with your life without your permission. When you receive such visions, dreams, […]

Learn and Teach, Give and Take

This entry is part 7 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spirituality

Introduction  Source is very capable of bringing together bonds and people around us, and when you step back you will realise its not a coincidence that you encounter the people you do in life. Source knows the right people to bring onto our path, and at the right time too. This is one way we […]

What is Source?

This entry is part 6 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spirituality

Introduction  Source is such a larger force beyond us that it actually doesn’t require us to try to define it too strictly. It’s there to guide you to befriend you, to support you, to enlighten you and to lift you up. It can be whatever you want to be. What is Source? Subtle Source appears […]

What is a Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual Awakening – What is it? Known as nirvana, enlightenment, or awakening. The word awakened can be defined as “spiritually aware of the universe and its direct metaphysical connection to one’s own being and the connection it has to all life forces” spiritual awakening begins the moment a person can step back and “awake” to […]

Are micro-stressors increasing your stress and anxiety?

What are micro-stressors? These are the everyday little stressors. Micro-stresses  flood your body and brain with adrenaline and cortisol,  two hormones that raise your heart rate and set off your  fight-or-flight response. A micro-stressor might be a bad  night’s sleep, a traffic jam on the way to work, a zoom  meeting running overtime, an email […]

Lost connections – Why do people suffer from Depression?

Introduction Many people have either battled depression themselves or know someone who has. The unfortunate truth is that so much of the hectic, competitive, and isolating culture we live in contributes to depression becoming an all-too-common part of modern life. The author Johann Hari argues that we’ve misunderstood the main causes of depression for far […]

A Beginners Guide To the 7 Chakras

What is the Chakra System? Chakra in Sanskrit translates to ‘wheel’. In the Chakra System, there are 7 energy wheels. These form up and down the spine, which is also known as Sushumna Nadi. A Nadi is an energy line, you have 72,000 of them within your body, running down and around every nook and […]

We Must Die Empty

This entry is part 5 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spirituality

Introduction  We must face up to the fact that one day our time here will come to an end. However, before we can leave this earth, we must die empty. The Richest Place on Earth  The cemetery is the richest place on earth, and I’ll tell you why. What ends up buried there are all […]

Connecting to Older and Higher Selves

This entry is part 4 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spirituality

Introduction  In times of need, we tend to look externally for support. But have you ever thought of first looking within yourself? We are more than just ourselves; we have a wealth of untapped wisdom and expertise right deep inside us that can be called forth at a moment’s notice. This is what we call […]

Our Mess is our Mirror

This entry is part 3 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spirituality

Introduction  Life is never all smooth sailing. Whatever setbacks you experience can be turned around and used to reflect your higher calling and purpose back to you. There is a wider purpose at play. Your mess and that you were able to emerge from it is a mirror. Transformation is never easy or pretty, but […]