The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people

You’re the average of the five people spend the most time with.  Meaning? If we spend time with positive, like-minded people, we are more likely to become happy and successful ourselves. On the other hand, if we spend time with negative people, who are always criticising and complaining, we are more likely to find ourselves […]

What is a People Pleaser and Signs you are one.

Introduction I found it madness to see that A 2022 survey showed that 50% of people would definitely or probably describe themselves as people-pleasers. It’s natural to want to make others happy. But if you never put yourself first, you start to neglect your own well-being. If you spend your life pleasing others, you spend […]

7 Ways To Stand Out With Real Confidence.

What’s one thing that makes a person stand out in a crowd? Confidence. People are drawn to people who exude confidence.   It doesn’t matter what they’re wearing, what they look like, or what their achievements are. They could be the best or worst-dressed person in the room. A person secure in who they are can walk […]

What is Anxiety and How to Overcome it.

Today We’re talking about the anxious mind, a psychological topic. This topic is all about understanding anxiety, our anxious mind.    Additionally, these are my own views from my own research on the topic and my advice is If you think you might suffer with anxiety please consult a doctor, gp, therapist.   So why […]

Understand your chimp brain to get that monkey off your back

Introduction Today I will be discussing The Chimp Model which will be Simplifying Neuroscience. You don’t have one brain—you have three; your ancient Chimp brain that keeps you alive, your modern human brain that navigates the civilised world, and your Computer brain that runs your habits (good and bad). They fight for control all the […]

How to Cultivate Your Most Important Relationship: The One With Yourself

The most important relationship we can all have is the one you have with yourself.    The most important journey you can take is one of self-discovery. To know yourself, you must spend time with yourself, you must not be afraid to be alone. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.   Having a […]

The Power of the Words we use.

The Power of Words: Why We Need to be Intentional With the Things We Say. The Power of the Spoken Word: Speaking Your Reality into Existence   Introduction The words you speak hold power. Power to create new possibilities or to close them down. Power to build relationships or to damage them. Power to fuel […]

What is self love and how to start your self love journey.

Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to life.    What is self love? Self-love, which is also often referred to as self-compassion, involves taking care of your own needs, accepting your weaknesses and failures as well as your strengths, and staying in touch with your emotions. Most of us know […]

Give up Living Your Life to Other People’s Expectations.

Give up Living Your Life to Other People’s Expectations – The Trap of Living Someone Else’s Life   Introduction Ever since I was a little kid I used to think that in order to be liked and approved of by those around me, I had to behave, dress and live my life in a certain […]

Self Confidence – how to create it.

Confidence is like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it gets.    Everything you have ever dreamt of is on the other side of fear. This topic is close to my heart. I want you to feel empowered by your own identity and your will to succeed that will blow any doubts […]