Balancing your masculine & feminine energy

Are you feeling undervalued and stressed or unsupported and scattered? 

Then your masculine and feminine energies may be off-balanced. 

Is there a way to feel balanced? 

I will talk about the difference between feminine and masculine energy, how you can find harmony again, how it affects your creative life AKA: Yin and Yang and what type you might be dominant in. 



We all have a mix of masculine and feminine energy, and we need both in our daily lives. Masculine energy is characterised by DOING and achieving and is moulded by logic and reason. The feminine is more intuitive, oriented towards receiving and allowing, and characterised by BEING.


When these energies are balanced, we experience a greater sense of harmony and fulfilment. When they’re askew, we feel more friction and stress in everyday life. DOING/BEING balance is a hard one to strike. We live in a world that values doing and achieving above all else.


Endless productivity isn’t the holy grail of life, nor the measure of your self worth. Prioritising being amidst doing is a critical part of creating a balanced, healthy life. Not just on vacation or weekends, but every single day.


These energies are always pulsing within you. But it’s easy to forget to embrace and acknowledge both. When one energy becomes dominant that’s when life feels off-balance. Symptoms might include burnout. Creative longing and anger.


However, understanding these energies makes connecting to your inner wisdom easier. When your energies are in harmony you’ll feel a greater sense of peace and compassion. You’ll feel more energised and connect better with others.


We’ll discuss in more detail how to find balance but first let’s get this out of the way: No one will ever attain a perfect balance of the feminine and masculine. Don’t allow that to be the goal here. Focus instead on using this knowledge to become more aware. To become a kinder, more loving version of yourself.


Keep reading to learn what each type of energy is, how it affects wellbeing, and how to incorporate this new awareness into your life. I’m hoping by the end of this post you’ll be inspired to give more attention to the energy that’s lacking in your life.




Everyone is born with both of these universal energies. They don’t have a gender inherently assigned to them but humankind associates Yin with the feminine. Yang with the masculine. 


Masculine is often viewed as bad and feminine as good. Let’s throw that out the window. There is no good or bad here. Both energies make up the very essence of who you are for a reason.


Feminine energy “makes us softer, gentler, kinder, nurturing, compassionate, and loving.”

When you embrace the feminine you nurture qualities like intuition, creativity, compassion, understanding. There’s a receptive and open feeling in this type of energy. It’s fast and energised.

When you value the qualities that feminine energy nurtures you’re better able to:


  • Magnetically attract what you want
  • Hold space for projects to develop at their natural pace
  • Enjoy the process of creation independent of the end result
  • See the big picture
  • Work with others and create community
  • Relate to others by listening, sharing, and nurturing


When you embrace the masculine you nurture qualities like leadership, action, logic, adventure, loyalty, confidence, focus, and efficiency.

When you value the qualities of the masculine energy within yourself and others, you:


  • Tenaciously pursue what you want
  • Decide when/where/how a project grows
  • Focus on the end result of a project
  • Focus on one thing at a time
  • Rely on yourself and your individual achievements
  • Relate through camaraderie, entertainment, and problem-solving


In a broader sense, giving is an action of our divine masculine, and receiving is an action of our divine feminine, and a balance of both energies is when we feel harmonious within.


What happens to our wellbeing when our actions are off-balance?


Imbalanced Energy’s Effect on Wellbeing


The truth is masculine energy without feminine energy isn’t complete. And vice versa. 


When masculine energy is too dominant you may not feel valued, nurtured, or appreciated. You’ll feel tired, stressed, overworked and unloved. It doesn’t help when society encourages this by rewarding a masculine, ego-driven way of being.


When feminine energy is too dominant you feel unsupported, unfocused, scattered and unstable. Without purpose or direction and therefore feel no sense of success. Even a little ungrounded.


You can see the interplay that happens between the two. The masculine pursues, plans, and focuses. The feminine enjoys creating, dreaming, and unfolding. They need one another.


Now, how do you have harmony with both energies?


Start acknowledging the vast energy system around you and within you. I will share ways to step more into your feminine and masculine powers. When you connect to your intuition you’ll also feel inspired about how to step more into your masculine. 


How to Cultivate Your Feminine Energy



Add a 10-20 minute meditation to your daily routine. Let your intellect take a rest while you make space to connect with your body, your natural presence, and your intuition. Meditation is the most effective practice to help shift out of doing and relax into being. In the space of practice. It’s okay to allow things to unfold, instead of always directing or controlling them. This allows you to hear your intuitive voice beneath your frenetic left-brain chatter. It will also connect you more to your body and its signals. When you feel stressed and anxious, pause and meditate (even for 5 minutes) instead of pushing through, and you will feel the benefits immediately. In neuroscience terms, meditation calms our nervous system, shifting the body out of fight or flight (doing) and into rest and digestion (being). This shift supports so many aspects of our health, from improved blood pressure and digestion, to boosted immunity and sound sleep.


Get off Social Media

Social media will make you feel like you always have to be productive and doing something. Take a moment to think to yourself – am I only doing this activity for the Insta story / post? 



One of the primary goals of yoga is to bridge the gap between the masculine and feminine. The very act of focusing on one breath at a time is masculine in nature. While holding space for your practice to develop is feminine.



Movement creates fluidity between your mind and body and shakes things up! Try dancing, stretching, or even going for a lighthearted stroll.



Take a bubble bath. Light some candles and slowly sip your favourite tea. Starfish on the floor and listen to soft music. Take time for you and only you. Let go of doing and simply BE.


Create art

The side of your brain responsible for creativity can be found on the feminine side.Express yo’self! Let go of control and forget about the end product. Grab some paints, a lump of clay, anything, and immerse yourself in the joy of making solely to express your creative energy.



Nature moves at a much slower and steadier pace than our rushed and frantic modern lives. It is the perfect example of a doing/being balance. When we spend time in nature, our minds and bodies can re-attune to the natural rhythms of life. Find a park or go on a hike and relax with all of the sounds, smells and sights. Take in the groundedness and steady presence of trees. Receive the feeling of sunshine on your skin. Welcome plants or flowers into your living space or office and regularly *pause* to appreciate their beauty and good energy.


Give Intuition the Wheel

Your senses and your higher-self can see and feel things that your basic human senses cannot. The more you build this muscle the stronger it will become.



Sharing is where vulnerability begins. When you open up and get real, from the heart, you open doors to connect more deeply with yourself and everyone around you.



Set aside a whole day where there’s nothing on your agenda and let yourself wake up and FLOW through it. Don’t plan anything, just let your body and intuition guide you to what’s next, listening to what feels good.


Welcome Emotions

Expressing emotions is not only a way to keep yourself on a good balance of masculine and feminine energy, it’s good for your personal health, improves relationships, and builds self-awareness.


Let yourself be in a relationship. 

This is a great way to practice surrender and openness. Many people shut out an opportunity for a relationship thinking the dominant masculine more important.


Always have something to be excited about. 

Connect to your future. Build in something you can be excited about every week. Discuss it. Talk about it. This allows you to feel the feminine nature of big picture thinking.


Think Holistically

The word ‘holistic’ means to look at any situation as a whole. Think of ways throughout your day that you can bring in a more holistic approach. Looking at the full completed version – how one act, thought, or process affects the other.


Why should we balance our feminine energy more? So we can:

  • Magnetically attract what you want
  • Hold space for projects to develop at their natural pace
  • Enjoy the process of creation independent of the end result
  • See the big picture
  • Work with others and create community
  • Connect to emotional and physical life as a catalyst for change and development
  • Relate to others by listening, sharing, and nurturing


How to Cultivate Your Masculine Energy


Design moments back into your day that fulfil you. 

Schedule an hour to read. Put a hard stop time for work. Plan a trip.


Pick a result or goal to work towards. 

Schedule time during your week to chip away at it. Allow yourself to feel the joy of completing a passion project.


Get together with friends and loved ones. 

Feel that sense of camaraderie and have fun!


Do Something Competitive

In nature, you can clearly see that males physically fight each other, flaunt their beauty, and use their calls to compete. Humans are no different. Competition is where your masculine traits step up to the plate. If you are someone who is not generally competitive, ask a friend to help you out.


Construct a Project

The mathematical mind is a masculine trait. The goal here is to utilise measurements, angles, and tools. You can create anything from a small bird house to a backyard deck. Be consistent in setting time aside each week until the project is complete.


Test Physical Strength

Pushing your lifting and opening power beyond everyday chores can spark useful masculine energy.


Why should we balance our masculine energy more? So we can:

  • Tenaciously pursue what you want
  • Decide when/where/how a project grows
  • Focus on the end result of a project
  • Focus on one thing at a time
  • Rely on yourself and your individual achievements
  • Set boundaries around emotions and your body in order to accomplish goals
  • Relate through camaraderie, entertainment, and problem-solving



I allow the sacred feminine and masculine to harmonise within. 


Do This Today

Choose one feminine energy activity to try this week.


Writing Prompt

Ask yourself today where you’re at in your wellbeing journey. 

Are you feeling under-appreciated and not nurtured enough? 

Do you feel scattered, unfocused, and directionless? 

Write down your response then see which energy is more dominant in your life.



Your life is in constant motion. Change is the one certainty you can count on. With this fact, take each moment of balance as they come. One week, you may need to focus more attention on your feminine side, the next week the masculine. Each task you face requires a different tool; think of balancing energies from the same perspective.


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