This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Spirituality Topics



Why are we going to be doing angel card reading, working on certain aspects of our lives etc you may ask. It is all to do with becoming more conscious in our lives. I will explain consciousness now. 


What is Consciousness? 

The journey into consciousness is the search for love, understanding, peace, compassion, forgiveness, empathy, wisdom, mercy, kindness, tolerance, patience and courage. Aren’t all of these things you want in your life? It is discovering that what spirit wants for you is joy, abundance, happiness and peace of mind. 


All negative emotions and behaviours such as guilt, anger, shame, karmic behaviours, addictions, and even physical conditions can successfully be overcome by aligning yourself with consciousness. 


In this journey with me, you are connecting with the creator source who takes on the form or role of spirit father and spirit mother, divine parents who reconnect you to your divine attributes. 


You are deeply loved and sometimes it is very difficult to feel that pure, unconditional love from source as throughout life, even since childhood you have experienced emotional woundings that are imprinted in your mind, heart and soul. This is not the way you were created to live.


The spiritual realm does not want you to live with the emotional baggage caused by guilt, anger, isolation or fear. The problem with our lives is that we have learned how to mistrust and to not expect good things to happen to us. 


This is not true – and this illusion can be overcome by returning to a place within you that needs to be re- parented – only this time by perfect divine parents who treat you the way you deserve to be treated: with kindness, acceptance, honour, patience,understanding, compassion, support, and most of all, love. We will be working on these different areas throughout my course. 


These woundings within are something your inner child and your higher-self longs to heal. Acknowledging your pain and honestly facing the fact that you cannot “fix” it yourself brings you into a place of simple trust – that childlike faith that is so important to allowing yourself to be taken care of – something that your divine parents gladly willingly delight in doing along with the presence of your inner spirit. 


Growing in our spiritual selves and embodying consciousness takes you into the realm of being a spirit child so that the loving hands of the infinite source can gently repair the damage in the psyche, fix distorted thought patterns, and cleanse the emotional toxins that weigh upon the soul. 


Coming into alignment with consciousness is a time of great liberation , rebirth, and a renewal of spirit, mind and body. 


As we have become accustomed to taking charge of our lives and always want to be in control, growing in consciousness takes some time to fully unfold. It requires a dedicated intention and attention to spend some stillness time in aligning in the Divine Mind and offering oneself to be remade like spirit but each time we do this,our loving divine source will always respond to our needs and fill us with hope, love, peace, happiness and the joy of being alive. We will always have the opportunity to demonstrate the fruits of the spirit world, thereby demonstrating our ability to become more godlike. 


As these spiritual treasures build within the mind, life becomes more beautiful and meaningful. As we discover we are truly not alone, we have a compassionate, loving and guiding divine hand supporting us at all times and with this firm assurance, we are truly free to live, to experience life to the fullest and to reach our potential. 


What are angel cards?


Angel cards are an ancient way to connect with divine guidance. It’s impossible to make a mistake when using angel cards because they operate within the law of attraction. This means that your questions always attract the perfect cards for you as answers. Each one i pull, will match the vibration of the question. 


How to ground yourself after a card reading / meditation session?


Imagine 2 silver lines of light coming down from your feet into the earth below, feel them like roots pulling you back into the earth and feel yourself coming back into this reality feeling present and connected.


Start of every card reading


In this card reading, I am connecting you with the powerful vibration of compassion to take you deeply into your heart energy and align you with your inner wisdom before we work directly with each angelic energy allowing you to be more open and receptive to their vibration. 


This reading and meditation is a doorway experience for you. Allow your heart energy to begin to radiate, releasing all destructive thought patterns and negative emotions from your energy field. As you fill yourself with light, begin to embody compassion by allowing its vibrations to flow to every cell of your being. feel this energy in a state of grace and oneness with the light. 


22 Angels 


Archangel Michael – Truth

Archangel Michael has come through to you today to connect you with your deepest and unique truth. You could be feeling a lack of clarity lately regarding choices you have to make or feeling an insecurity or lack of power within your own sense of self. Archangel Michael will bring you the courage you need to go within, to hear and to accept the truth you know to be within your own heart, body and soul. This will give you the strength to take positive action, to stand up for yourself or to resolve conflict issues you may be facing in balance and with a sense of justice as you wield ‘the sword of truth’. 


Archangel Gabriel – Purity

Archangel Gabriel has drawn near to you today to help you to purify in body, mind and spirit. You may be in a process of uplifting and refining your thought patterns to help you to clear through a purification process. You may be needing nurture and support from the ‘mother’ energy or be a mother/father yourself and feeling overwhelmed emotionally. You may be connected with children and need to find more patience and understanding within your role as a nurturer. 


Archangel Uriel – Divine Presence

If you have called archangel uriel to your side today you may be at a time where you are in need of divine intervention. Whether this is for a physical situation or that you are needing wisdom, knowledge and clarity to be unlocked from within you so that you are able to solve current problems or situations arising in your reality. Uriel will support you to look for alternative solutions and help you to see things from a different angle or perspective to literally ‘shine the light’ on your life circumstances. 


Archangel Zadkiel – The righteousness of God 

Forgiveness is always for the self. Archangel Zadkielhas come to you today to help you to find forgiveness or to help you start the process of forgiving. You could be feeling anger towards yourself or others and wanting to break free of negative or karmic relationships or to find resolutions. Archangel zadkiel will help you transmute negative or painful emotions you may be feeling to enable you to come back into your heart and to see things from a higher perspective. When we forgive another we are really forgiving ourselves and choosing to let go or set the other person and yourself free.


Archangel jophiel – Wisdom

Archangel Jophiel has come to you today to help you to tune into the inner wisdom of your soul and to begin to be able to express this within your reality. You may be feeling tired or dense or tired in your energetic field from an accumulation of astral energies (thoughts, old energies, or projections) from yourself, others or environments that have been in contact with you. You therefore may be needing to ‘clear your space’ on a physical or energetic level to allow your energy field to be clear enough to receive messages that spirit is sending you.


Archangel Raphael – Healer

You have been blessed with this card today because you are needing to heal aspects of your life that have held you back from moving forwards. Once these wounds are healed, you will find your life starts to move in new directions that you had never imagined were possible. Archangel Raphael energy is here to support you in that journey. He blesses you with his green ray of healing to help you have the strength to go through the healing process. You may find you are holding onto painful childhood or relationship memories that are blocking your path to peace within yourself. “It’s time to heal your heart” he says, “it’s time to let go”. 


Lady Mary – Inner Child 

By choosing this card, you have received a blessing from mother mary, she comes through today to touch your heart, with the love that only a mother can give. She wraps you in her wings of love and rocks you gently, soothing all your worries and cares away. Wrapped in her love you are protected and safe,you feel nothing but peace. Mother Mary brings in the energy today to help you heal your inner child, the child you were born as, pure of heart, non-judgmental, open and tolerant, with a sense of connectedness and wonder of all things. You may have forgotten your inner child, the one who played with the trees and leaves, who jumped in the puddles, and jumped over waves, who smiled and laughed, who loved everything and everyone. 


Archangel Chamuel – Unconditional Love 

This blessing from archangel chamuel comes to you today to remind you that you are unconditionally loved, she brings her energy through to you to touch the second chamber of your heart chakra which when open, vibrates unconditional love and the colour pink. When you have embodied unconditional love, you are in a constant state of flowing heart energy, touching and healing whatever you connect with, even through your thoughts alone. She has come through to remind you that unconditional love allows you to love yourself first, so that you have the strength of heart and mind to give the same love to others.


Archangel Ariel – Unity 

The keyword for archangel ariel is unity, unity is something that man in his belief that everyone must fend for themselves has forgotten. Society has forgotten how to unite, and political and outdated educational systems have led us to a coming first at the cost of everything else mentality. By connecting with this card, you may have felt a little disconnected from those around you, and in some cases may have chosen to step back from family and certain friends as things have all been too much for you. There may be times where you have felt that you have been intentionally alienated by those close to you and you may have felt very alone. 


Archangel Azrael – Peace 

You may have come to a crossroad on your life and are at a point of transition, changing from one form to another. During this process, you are literally learning to walk with death, letting go of old identities, ideals and transforming into the new. This energy is very much represented by the Scarab in ancient Egyptian wisdom. Archangel Azrael will help you to release the fear of death or change so that you can feel free and still within your profess of rebirth. You may have recently experienced a physical death of someone close to you and are needing support with your emotions at this time. 

Archangel Haniel – Spiritual Gifts 

You could be in a awakening process surrounding your spiritual gifts and talents. We all have unique spiritual gifts and for those resonating with this card these could be specific gifts of the psyche which are awakening such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, or claicognizant abilities. Archangel Haniel has come through to help you feel supported and connected to the love of Gaia during this time of awakening. You may need to spend time in nature to help yourself to feel grounded as these changes occur. 

Archangel Jeremiel – Compassion 

You could be feeling a lack of clarity in the path your life is taking you. You could be feeling negative emotions or in judgement of yourself or others. Archangel Jeremiel has come through to you to help you to see the bigger picture of any circumstances you might be facing and is bringing you an opportunity to review the situation and to make or to bring about any positive change. He is giving you a moment of peace, clarity and compassion so that you can release deep seated pain from your heart chakra that could be clouding your vision of the truth. Feeling compassion and understanding for yourself and others will release you from cycles of pain you may have been experiencing. 

Archangel Metatron – Empowerment 

Archangel metatron is a sign you are going through an empowerment process to embody more of your light, own your power and to work with your spiritual gifts in integrity and in alignment with divine will. This means that some could have been dealing with power plays with others, legal situation or have been working through abusive situations in order to regain their power. Your solar plexus chakra, or areas associated with this area of the body may be purifying to help your energy Centre to shift and grow. 

Archangel Raguel – Harmony 

You maybe be being drawn into situations or circumstances where you are asked to fight injustice or may be dealing with feelings of injustice or as though you are having to fight for your viewpoint or light to be seen. You could be feeling misunderstood or unheard by others who are not resonating in the same space as you. You may need support to resolve situations of conflict with your relationships for them to come back to a balance again. Archangel raguel is supporting a clearing in the throat and heart chakras so that you can express your viewpoint with powerful heart. 

Archangel Raziel – universal consciousness 

Because you are connecting with universal consciousness , you may find yourself suddenly talking about things that you had no idea you knew and you may find yourself being drawn to certain spiritual books to learn something, when you are vibrating with this energy, and archangel raziel wants you to learn it, the book name or course name will keep jumping up at you until you get the message , so be prepared to buy a book or two! 

Archangel sandalphon – faith 

Archangel sandalphons key word is faith. You may have been feeling like you lost your way a bit in life and have been feeling directionless and wondering What is the point. Archangel sandalphon smiles as she says these words as she knows from time to time every human goes through these moments. She says that it is at these times we start to reflect outwardly on the bigger pictures of life and we look to the skies and sometimes shake a fist to heaven saying “well if you are there, come and help me”. She says that having faith that when you go through at times has a bigger picture to it is sometimes the hardest thing to do. She wants you to know that she brings you courage, faith and trust to go through the hard times in life because there is bigger and better plan waiting for you at the end. 

The angel of creativity – creativity 

When the angel of creativity appears in a reading it can mean that your feminine side is out of balance, and you are focusing too much on the practical things in your life, being too driven to succeed in the corporate word or in life in general. You may need to look at where you are focusing yourself and take a step back to bring yourself back into balance. Are you denying to yourself who you truly are who you are meant to be? She comes through to help you birth your true sense of self, she helps you to feel free to express yourself in whatever way you feel is right. She encourages you to paint, draw, Sing, dance, play, read, write, cook etc whatever feels right to help you to express your sense of self in the world. 

The angel of manifestation – manifestation 

It is your lucky day when the angel of manifestation comes into your reading – it means positive times are ahead. She is the next level of energy from the angel of creativity, it means from your creating you are manifesting a new reality, a new income, a new way a being, a new you, whatever you have been sending your efforts into creating is being manifested for you.  The angel of manifestation supports you to be clear in your thoughts so that you can be clear in your intent around what you want to manifest. 

The angel of grace – grace 

If you have been drawn to the energy of the angel of grace it means you are awakening to the blessings of life. Embodying grace means that you are realizing that the power that creates the universe is friendly and supports your life. Every spiritual discipline leads to the realization of supreme gratitude for the gift of life and this is now what you are being asked to remember. A paradox of life is that we are immersed in an ocean of blessings, and yet we often fail to see them. An inner sense of leaves flows from someone who lives in a state of grace, as does the feeling of abundant love which flows in and through all aspects of their life. 

The angel of hope – hope 

The angel of hope comes through at this time to help sustain you through a trail of faith, a difficulty or something else that has left you feeling “hopeless”. Maybe a relationship has been testing you to a point of “hopelessness” a “where can I go from here” feeling. The angel of hope comes through to support you to regain your inner strength to face the challenges that lie ahead. She wants you to know that some times we have to detach from those situations and people around us that drain is and ultimately the journey lies with the person/situation and not you. 

The angel of patience – patience 

If the angel of patience is with you today it means that you are being brought the gift of patience to maintain your inner stillness when all around May be in chaos. From a pose or patience, your throat, 3rd and abs crown chakra are all ironing and functioning so that you can respond from a place of wisdom and higher consciousness. You are being asked to look at how you respond in the moment, if someone “bites” , do you bite back? In order to master patience you will be put in situations, where your patience if tested to its limits. It is in your response that the mastery comes. 

The angel of courage – courage 

People who are connected with the angel of courage being great strength and inspiration to those around them, usually without even knowing it. It is associated with bravery and going beyond what are considered “normal” patterns of behavior or emotions that are part of our daily life. The angel of courage has come through to show you the light, release your fear, to free your power Centre and inner mind to help you to rebuild your power and strength. Those resonating with this energy could be at a point in their journey where they are being asked to make a “leap of faith” to literally follow the callings of the heart and soul without all of the pieces in the puzzle in their consciousness. 

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