This entry is part 4 of 9 in the series Awaken your psychic ability Course



The aura is connected to our subtle body and it surrounds us like a forcefield. While our chakras
contain the seven colours of the rainbow within our body, our aura contains the seven colours of the
rainbow outside of the body. Our aura contains information about our past, present and future within
it. It is connected to our inner and outer emotions on a physical and spiritual level. Our aura is made
up of seven layers surrounding our body. The layers are also known as the ‘auric layers’ or ‘subtle
bodies’ . An aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things. The human aura is a force
field of light that surrounds our entire body. The multiple layers of the aura interact with our body
relaying information throughout the body’s seven chakra energy centres. Each layer of our aura is
connected to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual feelings. Our aura is like a filing cabinet for all our thoughts, feelings, spiritual awareness, health and past experiences to be stored. Some people have the ability to see the auric colours around people with the human eye, while others are more likely to feel them. Have you ever stood in a line at the supermarket and felt like the person next to you was standing too close to you? If you have experienced this feeling you have felt someone else’s aura touching yours.

What are the auric layers?

The first layer of the aura is known as the ‘etheric body’ , and it is connected to our vital organs, glands and meridians. It relates to the health of our physical body. This layer is connected to the root/base chakra. The etheric layer can be seen by some individuals as a bluish-white glow that moves along the energy field of the physical body. The second layer of the aura is known as the ‘emotional body’ , and this layer is connected closely with our feelings and emotions. This layer is connected to our sacral chakra. The third layer of the aura is the ‘mental body’ . It is connected to your mental and thought process. The appearance of this layer can be seen as a bright yellow or golden light. This layer is connected to the solar plexus chakra.

What are the auric layers?

The fourth layer of the aura is the ‘astral body’ . This act as a bridge between the more solid and spiritual energies. The astral body is considered the layer of love, as this is where we understand and express our emotions about our relationships with others. This layer is connected to the heart chakra. The fifth layer of the aura is the ‘etheric template body’ . It is connected to the throat chakra. This layer is at the seat of our higher consciousness, sound communication, creativity and vibration. The sixth layer of the aura is the ‘celestial body’ . It is connected to the third eye chakra. It connects us to intuitive knowledge, spiritual awareness, dreams, memories and the emotional level of the spiritual plane. The seventh layer of the aura is the ‘ketheric template’ or ‘causal body’ . This layer is connected to the crown chakra, allowing you to access the knowledge that anything is possible. It contains the spiritual blueprint of your soul’s experiences and spiritual records.

Colours of the aura and their meanings

Red – base – strength,passion, vitality, energy, leadership, grounded

Orange – sacral – open-minded, happiness,vitality,confidence,warmth

Yellow – solar-plexus – optimism, inspiration, wisdom, intuition, sensitivity, clairsentient

Green – heart – healing, love, health, balance,growth, nature, calm

Blue – throat – communication, speech, caring, intuitive, spiritual, clairaudience
Indigo – third-eye – intuition, inner wisdom, imagination, creative, visual, clairvoyance
Violet – crown – enlightenment, visionary, psychic, artistic, inspirational, spiritual
White – crown – angelic qualities, purity, health, auric vision, psychic medium

Pink – heart – romantic, affection, strong spirituality, compassion
Brown – no specific chakra – grounded, generous, calm, organised

Black – no specific chakra – unforgiving nature, past life issues, grief, health issues
Gold – no specific chakra – spiritual protection, enlightenment, wisdom,inner peace

How to feel your aura

Find a comfortable position within your sacred space. Lift up both of your hands and open your palms and fingers. Next, place both of your hands together palm on palm and finger on finger. Gently and slowly rub your hands together ensuring that the middle of your palms touch; twist your hands side to side and ensure you have constant contact with the palms of your hands. You should start to feel a warmth and energy build up between your palms. You may experience a buzzing, tingling,pulsing warm or hot sensation start to activate within your palms. When you feel that there has been a significant energy shift, slowly start to pull your hands apart. Keep both of your palms facing each other as you do this. Visualise a ball of light or a ball of energy bouncing between your palms. It feels like you have a pair of magnets between your hands.

How to expand your aura for a spiritual protective bubble

Learning to expand and contract your aura is a useful tool. It can help you to push your aura out to expand your spiritual protective bubble so that you don’t feel that others are in your space. To expand your aura, do the following. Close your eyes and breathe in slowly through your nose. As you do this, imagine your breath moving up from your nose and then moving up through to the top of your head and flowing out of your crown chakra. As the breath leaves your body, imagine it surrounding your entire being and expanding out to become a powerful force field of protection. Whenever you feel the need to protect yourself, use this visualization method.

Topic 4 completed.

Next up: What are chakras?

Series Navigation<< 3. Creating your sacred spiritual place5. What are chakras? >>

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