This entry is part 3 of 9 in the series Awaken your psychic ability Course



When you begin working with the spirit world, it is always a good idea to create a sacred place to do your work. This can be achieved in one of two ways; by creating a physical sacred space or an internal imaginary sacred space you enter during your meditation and spirit work. To begin you need to pick a location that you can dedicate to your spiritual work. The space you create needs to be somewhere you can retreat from the outside world so that you can make contact with your inside world in peace. Your sacred space doesn’t need to be an entire room – it could be just a corner of the room, or it could be as simple as picking a specific chair or a place where you can put cushions on the floor to sit on. You may even choose to have a sacred space outside in your garden, balcony or courtyard where you can connect with your spirit guides by being amongst nature.

Your internal sacred space

Creating an internal sacred space is great for those people who don’t have room to dedicate to an area to work in. Why not think outside of the square when you choose to create your sacred space. You may decide that your sacred space is a place you access in your mind instead of a dedicated physical space. An internal space can be used when you are away from home and can be easily accessed by just a thought or through meditation. You may find that using specific affirmations or mantras can also be of assistance in accessing your internal space. You may choose a special crystal that you use to connect to your inner space with or you may have a special guided meditation or ambient music that helps you to connect. Everyone has their own way of connecting and working with their guides, angels and ascended masters. Through time and practice you will be able to determine what works best for you. Ideas for decorating
your sacred space I would suggest that you decorate your space with things that you find enhance your connection to the spirit world. You may wish to use some of the following items or none at all; always go on what feels right within your soul. Some people find that they have a better connection if they have some of the following items:

Crystals, Books, Your spiritual journal to record any contact with your guides and guardian angels
Angel, oracle, tarot or divination cards, Angel or deity statues, A small water feature which is great for
lifting the vibration of the room and keeping the energy flowing, Affirmation or mandala charts for
your walls, A wind chime so that you are made aware when those in spirit arrive, A comfortable chair,
cushions and a yoga mat where you can sit or lie down and relax and do your meditations, Candles and/or incense.

Ideas for decorating your sacred space

As you progress with your spiritual growth this sacred place will become an important place for you to enter and make contact. The most important thing to remember is that this place is where you will endeavour to lift your vibration to connect to the higher energies of your angels and guides. When you are in a relaxed and calm environment, anything is possible. Clearing negative energy Once you have chosen your space, it is a good idea to clear the area you have chosen of any negative energy. This way you can invigorate the room for lifting the vibration to begin your spiritual work. When you are working with psychic power, it is important that you ensure that your home or sacred space is free of any negative energies that come from the physical and spiritual world. Here are a few suggestions to help clear negative energy: Lighting candles made from essential oils is an excellent way t0 ward off negative energy. Burning incense is a common way to cleanse your home or sacred space. Sandalwood is the most commonly used cleansing incense. Lavender and sage incense are also popular choices. Chanting the mantra of ‘om’ is highly beneficial in cleansing a room and raising the vibration of the room. Clapping your hands loudly with the intention to break up and remove any negative energy in a room of space is another common way to cleanse a room. Singing bowls, bells and chimes. House clearing sprays made from essential oils or crystal essences. Sage cleansing.

How to cleanse using sage

Purchase a sage smudge stick. If you find it hard to get the sage to ignite, sprinkle a couple of drops of
lavender oil onto the sage and this helps to ignite the sage. Open all of the windows in the room. Open
all curtains/blinds and let as much light in as possible. Begin your cleansing ritual at the lowest part of
the house. Light the stick and when it catches fire, blow it out and allow the embers to begin to smoke
(the same way you do when lighting incense). Set your intention of cleansing and dedicating your room
to your spiritual work. Call in your guides and ask for assistance from the highest and purest white
light possible. Ask for any negative energies to leave your space and surround them with white light.
Walk around the room in a clockwise direction. Imagine the smoke dispersing any negativity. Lastly
visualise a beautiful shaft of white light appearing through the centre of the ceiling and filling the room
with positive protection. Thank your guides and the higher beings that have helped you to cleanse your space of any negativity. Extinguish your smudge stick in some water.

Exercise – Sacred space meditation

Before starting your meditation, ensure that you have your spiritual journal and a pen close at hand to record any messages you may receive from your spirit team during the meditation. Sit quietly and relax in a position that allows you to feel most comfortable. Gently close your eyes and take in a deep breath, now as you slowly exhale, visualise breathing out any negative thoughts or worries. Take in another deep breath, only this time, visualise breathing in beautiful white light – when you exhale, allow yourself to feel the peace that is surrounding you. While you are inhaling your next breath, feel the light becoming brighter and glowing within you. Visualise the light from within you expanding to every corner of your room and surrounding you. Ask your spirit team, consisting of your guides, guardian angels and loved ones in spirit, to be drawn to this beautiful uplifting spiritual light to allow them to connect with you from this point forward in your special sacred space. Visualise the roof above your space disappearing, and in your mind’s eye, look up and see the clouds above. Feel yourself lifting up into the clouds and feel totally at peace.

Exercise – Sacred space meditation

Slowly look around you and see who has come to meet with you from your spirit team while you are up amongst the heavens. While you are in this special place, ask your spirit team to help you dedicate your sacred space. Ask them to bless the space with their love and guidance. Communicate to your team that in the future they can find you in your sacred space to further develop your spiritual awareness. Listen to any messages that they may have for you. They may give you guidance about what the next step is in your spiritual journey and how to proceed forward. Or they may simply make their presence known to you so that you can reunite at a future time. When you have received your message, think of your spirit team and slowly allow yourself to return your consciousness back to the room or space you are positioned in.

Exercise – Sacred space meditation

Affirmation I am protected and at peace while I am in my sacred space. I acknowledge the spiritual guidance I receive from my spirit team is for my highest good. Together we work as one!

Topic 3 completed.

Next up:

What is an aura?

Series Navigation<< 2. Journaling and creating your psychic reference guide4. What is an aura? >>

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