This entry is part 2 of 9 in the series Awaken your psychic ability Course



One of the important aspects of developing your psychic ability is the understanding and bond that you will have with your spirit team. While working with the exercises in this content, you will discover that certain signs, sounds, colours, feelings, numbers and visions will pop into your head. At first this may feel a little confusing and at times overwhelming, that is why I want you to start to journal every part of your journey. This journal will be an important gift to yourself to refer back to for future reference. Through paying attention to the details your guides share with you, you too will be able to understand the image your spirit team shows you immediately. By journaling everything you see, hear, feel, experience, smell or dream, you will be able to understand what your spirit teams want you to know.

Steps to begin your journaling

Pick yourself out a journal that you love. It doesn’t have to be expensive but I recommend the book has a tough cover and spine as this journal is going to accompany you for a longtime. Create headings. You may wish to split the journal into different sections for different signs, as well as having a daily page to write on. Add headings like: Symbols, Guides and guardian angels, Names, Number sequences Colours, Affirmations, Fragrances, Drawings Psychic phenomenon, Feelings, Sounds and songs. Steps tobegin your journaling You may also like to use it to practise automatic writing with your spirit team. It istotally up to you how you utilise your journal – the main thing is to record everything you experience through all of your psychic senses. Doing a dedication to spirit and asking them to work with you and your journal will strengthen your connection. Tell your spirit team that when you are writing things in the journal, it is their time to make contact. Doing the same thing on a daily basis helps me create a routine for when and if I am ready to work with spirit. Just remember before you start journaling, always record the date and the time.

Steps to begin your journaling

This will show you when you have your greatest connection to your spirit helpers. You may find the morning is your best time to make contact, or it may be when you are winding down at the end of your day that your connection is best. Once you have a habit of journaling, you will soon discover how quickly the messages your spirit team shares with you resonate and make sense.

Exercise – Journal dedication

Divine and infinite spirit, I ask that we work together as a team. I dedicate this journal to you and wish to use it as a tool that allows us to reach the highest vibration possible when we connect with each other during our spiritual work. This journal will be a source of knowledge, guidance, inspiration and a connection to source energy. I thank you for the connection and I look forward to our future connections. Together we work as one.

Topic 2 completed.

Next up:

Creating your sacred spiritual place

Series Navigation<< 1. Your psychic gifts – what are they?3. Creating your sacred spiritual place >>

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