This entry is part 12 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spirituality


When we step back from our humanness and set aside our stubborn independence, we can be held by a support that is beyond what can be found tangibly.

What is a Spirit Guide? 

A spirit guide is a being or figure in the spiritual realm that has assigned themselves to guide you in your journey here in the physical realm. Your spirit guide is usually the spirit of someone connected to you who has crossed over – a family member, a close friend, an ancestor. A spirit guide is a helper. Think of it as a sailboat analogy – your higher self is the rudder and source is the wind inside the sails, your spirit guides are the rigging. They take cues from and capture the voracity and power of source to create a system of support in your life. Some spirit guides are prominent and others are less obvious but still valuable. Each spirit guide plays their role in a collaborative way to ensure that you are supported. Your current team of spirit guides aren’t always going to be the same ones you will have forever. Source and your higher self endeavour to whisk in new spirit supports and retire others whenever you move into new or distinctive seasons. As your life twists and turns, new spirit guides will weave in and out of your life as they see fit and will most likely completely renew every decade or so. A spirit guide is a loving being that is helping you out unconditionally.

Your Spirit Team 

There are many types of spirit guides but there are four in particular that are assigned to you at any given time.

The Encourager 

An encourager is a guide that will allocate itself to you at a moment in your life where you face interpersonal or private battles that involve an intensity of emotion, pain, trauma or stress. Your encouragement guide knows what ticks you off – your triggers, your moods and tantrums and everything about your emotional life. They are aware of the capacity of your mind and whether or not you have depressive or anxious thoughts often or regularly. The encourager guide is purely responsible for lifting you up when you fall down. An encourager guide will cheer for you and always be on the side of moral support for you. It can be easy to simply ignore or dismiss the voice of the encourager. Perhaps it seems unreasonable to be so kind to ourselves when the thoughts running through our heads are harsh ones. Your encourager guide will flip things around and ensure that they bring in new patterns of thought that will help ease the stress and worry. It’s up to us to acknowledge their guidance, let it sink deeply into our hearts and then act upon it. Your encourager spirit guide will open the mouth of someone to correct or inspire you. They will never give up, until you receive the message. They will encourage you with whatever resource or unique event they can arrange. It’s like a covert mission for them to stay as unrecognised as possible, but still encourage you without taking any of the credit. They serve by way of persistently trying to ensure you get their message.

The Logistician

This is someone who is devoted to the logistics of your life. They are cueing various opportunities into your life and analysing what steps will be needed to direct you forwards. Your logistician knows the layout of your day from start to end. They can predict precisely how you will react to certain things in your life. They are fully cognisant of how you spend your money and can see every last cent that you have to your name. They are action takers and thrive on organising and articulating in demonstrable ways how your life is trucking along. The logistician is your eyes and ears and, if anything it would prefer you let them do the worrying and you do the living part of your life.

The Protector 

They are an essential means of protection for the people they keep safe. They are your own dedicated unit of protector guides. Perhaps you were involved in an accident from which you made a miraculous escape. This is the work of your protector spirit guide, your defence system in the physical and spiritual realm. If it is in their power to do so they will defend and protect you. Your protector is constantly measuring your safety in this ever-changing world of increased danger and uncertainty. They are always alert and can help us at a moment’s notice.

The Manager 

A manager guide is there to assist you and your spirit team in using your ‘god’-given gift to serve the world – and we all have one of those. The manager oversees the work of your spirit guides (aka your spirit team) in different aspects of your life. Managers often present as serious and methodical. This relationship is less emotional and more professional.

How to Meet your Spirit Guides

Now that you are familiar with the four main types of spirit guide, I’m sure you’re wondering how you can connect in with them to better benefit from their services. The biggest barrier to connecting with spirit guides will be your own apprehension. Let’s do an exercise to help.


Take some deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Perhaps you could count your breaths – inhaling for a count of four, exhaling for a count of six. Allow your mind to find ease and stillness within this intentional, mindful breathing.

Next, shift your awareness from your breathing to the present moment. What can you hear, smell and feel around you? Close your eyes and envision a small white light the size of a golf ball hovering inside your chest. As you focus on this light, picture it beginning to expand. With every exhale, allow this light to grow bigger until it envelops you in a sphere that continues to move outwards.

Once this white light has filled your whole room, imagine a purple light filtering in from the edges of the sphere. The white light in your chest represents your energy or frequency, and the purple light represents your spirit guides energy. With every inhale, let the purple light move closer towards you. Once it is around two metres away from you, pause. Ask the energy its name, then write it down. Ask its type and then write that down.

Finally, make sure to thank it, because what you’ve invited closer to you is your spirit guide. You can do this as many times as you want until you feel you’ve met all of your guides. Some spirit guides will come forward easily, others may not. This is because some aren’t interested in being recognised or in directly engaging with you – they prefer to work at a distance. Utilising tools such as pendulums and oracle cards is also a great way to learn more about your spirit guides.

Next Topic: Reaching Spirit 

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