This entry is part 7 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spirituality


Source is very capable of bringing together bonds and people around us, and when you step back you will realise its not a coincidence that you encounter the people you do in life. Source knows the right people to bring onto our path, and at the right time too. This is one way we can see source at work through us: bringing other people into our life to better us, build us or shepherd us into new and exciting levels in our life. If you aren’t learning you are teaching, and if you aren’t giving you are taking.

Servant of the Greater Good 

Sometimes what we do for others may seem invisible and small to us or to the world but it still makes an impact in someone’s life. If you position yourself to help, you may not always be able to see the good you’ve done or be rewarded for it, immediately. Sometimes you’ll be called upon to help in unexpected ways, and you’ll wonder, ‘why me?’. Don’t worry, the universe knows what it is doing. Eventually you will look back and realise that there was a lesson in the midst of that confusion, and that good things are coming your way. This can be known as karma. Do good and it will be returned to you.

Karma will Handle it 

Everything good or bad is tallied and noticed by source, and, maybe not immediately but certainly in this life or the next, you will experience a karmic response to your actions. Sometimes, source will play the long game in timing lessons in our life and in the lives of others. It’s not from a place of punishment or vindictiveness, but pure and unadulterated love.

Don’t be Afraid to Take 

So many people have a reluctance to ask for help. It’s rare for people these days to ask for assistance out of fear of imposing on somebody else’s busy life. However, the magic is in finding the courage to ask. Source has an opportunity waiting for you behind your bravery. It is important to ask for help early on so you can prevent things from deteriorating to a very difficult place down the track. We can’t navigate this world alone; we need other people.

Nothing is Wasted

This life is all about learning and teaching, giving and taking. Even right now the universe is preparing to either use you to teach or show you something to learn. No relationship will be wasted, no opportunity will fall by the wayside. The more you open up to source and the universe and render yourself not just a student of the world but also willing to share and teach what you have already learned, you will become a powerful force, and opportunities will seek you out. You will understand that even the smallest coincidences are purposefully fully aligned to impact two peoples lives: you and the other person involved. Once you can do this, spirit will position you for blessings you would never have expected.


Take a moment now to think of your loved ones and those around you. Write down things that they have taught you in your life simply by being a part of it. Then thank the universe for bringing these people into your life and, if you’re willing, ask spirit to use you more readily, not only in their lives to support them, but also in the lives of those who you don’t know.

Next Topic: Decoding Common Signs, Dreams and Symbols

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