This entry is part 1 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spirituality


Did you know that, according to author and performance coach Dr Ali Binazir, the probability of you coming into existence is 1 in 10 2 squared, 685,000?

Yes that is a 10 multiplied to the power of 2,685,000. It’s so important to zoom out sometimes to see the beauty of what we call life. And not just our own lives, but life across our entire universe.

Letting go of old ways of thinking

The first step is to step away from inflexible mindsets. We need to step away from “that’s a funny coincidence” as that is the very language spirit is using to communicate with us. We just need to be open to it rather than immediately dismissing it. It will take a lot of unlearning and relearning to shake off the fixed analytical mindset and return to a more open, philosophical state of mind. As popular American author and organisational consultant William Bridges said “before people can begin something new, they have to end what used to be and unlearn the old way”. If we can open our minds to possibilities beyond what we already know and have experienced, and question some of the beliefs we have unnecessarily clung to, we can create space to let in spirit and build a deeper connection to self.

There’s no such this as a coincidence

Our loved ones and spirit guides have the ability and capacity to manipulate our world from afar in such a way that gets us to stop and think. And while their actions may initially seem like coincidences or happenstance, this isn’t the case.

There is intention and meaning behind it all, and it is up to us to decide whether we want to look hard enough to find it. In the busy lives that we lead today, a lot of us aren’t able to create time for spiritual connection. Often we are swept up in time, all while our dearest loved ones are whispering messages to us that we miss because we aren’t present or open to receiving them. Know that daily, you are being lovingly surveilled by not only loved ones existing beyond you, but also by source and spirit guides that are calculating how to align perfect moments to bring forth even the smallest gains or change for you.

To understand spirit, we must first understand ourselves.

If we wish to connect to the realm of the spirit, we need to begin by reflecting on ourselves. It must start with us and our intentions. The reason why you seek your loved one is because you’re seeking a part of yourself. We see ourselves in animals because we are all spirit. We connect deeply to art as it is an expression of spirit. We read books by other human beings because they are an extension of the thoughts of spirit.

So, are you ready to go deeper? Are you ready to link in with spirit? Linking in with spirit is not a massive commitment. Connecting with spirit will broaden and deepen this space for you, and bring closure, peace and assurance to help you navigate the world. Not only that, it’s important to know why you are here in the world and who sent you. This is where we come to the higher self.


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