What is manifesting?

Manifesting is the ability to call forth into existence what is waiting for you!it is a superpower that can bring anything that you desire into your life – if done properly. Manifestation is also known as the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that your thoughts, feelings and beliefs can attract into your life positive or negative realities. You need to maintain a positive mindset and always believe there is an opportunity ahead of you, waiting for you to step into it. The thing about successful people is they work hard to remain consistently positive and optimistic about their life and this future. This in itself creates a frequency ready to receive. Source deeply desires for you to have better and get better.


How to manifest?

The most important part about manifesting is to maintain the idea that you already have the thing you desire. Once you have conceptualised your desire, you should begin to act like it’s yours. Make it part of your everyday life. If you behave as if you already have what you want, then what you want will seek you out. There isn’t a set time of day you need to sit down and manifest – you should be manifesting all the time. 



When you are manifesting success or progression in your career, it’s important to understand that anything to do with your career is always going to involve other people. When you manifest for your career with visualisation, it’s important to visualise how people will feel working with you. Walk yourself through an entire day of work in your demand career. What you would wear, how you would do your nails and hair, and what way you arrive to work. Visualise and feel deeply what experiences you would have that would make you feel satisfied in this career. It is crucial for you to be as specific as possible so that you can get exactly what you want.


Romantic relationships

When it comes to romance, along with visualising, it can also help to write down a description of your love. Start with how you want them to look, and traits that truly get you interested in a person. When manifesting and visualising your romantic relationship it’s also important that you make yourself findable. Some people spend their life manifesting love, but its not enough to stay put and hope someone will fall into your lap. If you never venture beyond your comfort zone, you’re unlikely to end up on your lover’s radar. 



When you require money from it, simply visualise the vault door opening and you walking inside and taking what you need. Visualise how the money will be used and why it’s important to you. Imagine what you will buy with the money. Consider not only how this money will make you feel but also how others will feel around you. 


The key to manifesting

You need to sell your concept to the universe. You need to make a case to source for why this is important. You have to convince the universe that whatever you want is in line with what the universe is willing to help with. Tell the universe how you intend to improve the world through your acquisition of wealth. 


An essential superpower

Any spiritual person needs to manifest. The importance of manifesting cannot be overstated. It is a superpower we must all practise so that our divine needs, plans and destinies are activated and brought into the world. Manifesting takes our lives by the reins and steers us towards our greater potential. The key is that we must be willing to manifest what we want and to believe that there is actually a plan within our desires. 



Spend three minutes with spirit, writing down your deepest or even your most luxurious desires to manifest. Once youve done this, connect how each item on your list will impact something or someone positively if it is brought into your life through your manifesting.

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