Categories: Spirituality

9.Signs from above

This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series Awaken your psychic ability Course


  • What are the signs from spirit?
  • Signs from above meditation exercise
  • Affirmation


The spirit world goes to great lengths to let us here on the earth planet know that we are not alone. On a daily basis we are bombarded with images, signs, symbols and number sequences from spirits that many of us don’t even notice. What are the signs from spirit? Spirit uses many ways to make contact. When those in spirit are trying to get your attention, they will use whatever resource they can find. So what do you need to do to receive signs from above? Believe. Be open and aware of what is taking place and pay attention to any subtle changes around you. The signs are subtle and will involve everyday items, symbols and sounds that we tend to take for granted. The signs we receive are confirmation that we are on or off the right path in life.

What are the signs from spirit?

Angelic feathers: Feathers are a common sign that mysteriously appear from nowhere to let you know that your guardian angels, loved ones and spiritual helpers are nearby. These subtle signs give us reassurance that we are on the right path and that we are not alone. Heavenly cloud formations: Our angels, spirit guides and loved ones in spirit utilise cloud formation to give us symbols from above. Cloud gazing can be a form of day-dreaming where you ask questions of your current life situation and the answers will be shown to you in the clouds. Cloud gazing is a wonderfully relaxing way to receive confirmation and reassurance that you are being guided by higher beings from above.

Rainbows: Rainbows are magical coloured signs from above. The symbol of a rainbow is a sign that all of your cares and worries are being taken care of by your angels and loved ones. A rainbow is also the bridge between heaven and earth. It is the gateway for those in spirit to reconnect with the living. A rainbow doesn’t always need to appear in the sky. It can appear in photographs, window and water reflections, puddles etc. A rainbow is made up of seven colours that vibrate on a spiritual level. Rainbows are a big part of our lives as they are a sign of unity, peace and love. The seven chakras contained within the human body and the seven auric layers that surround the body are the colours of the rainbow. Sunrises and sunsets: Sunrises and sunsets are the artistic canvasses that our angles use to give us peaceful colourful connections to the heavens above. The angels also give you symbols of their connection via rays of light that appear during sunrise and sunset. This type of symbol looks like rays of light from heaven (they are also known as fingers of light) that act as a doorway from above.

Moving pictures: If you are a little fussy about your pictures hanging straight on the wall then this will be a way for them to get your undivided attention. The next time you notice your pictures have moved, acknowledge this to your loved ones and let them know you are aware they are close by. Angel touch: Angel signs can be subtle – at times of great sorrow and distress, our angels can present themselves through sensation and touch. Angel touch can feel like a soft brush on your face, arm, back or neck. It can feel like a tingling sensation on the side of your head, back of the neck or down one arm. An invisible kiss, gentle touch, you feel as if someone is lying beside you are asleep, a warm presence, a gentle breeze to get your attention, a feeling of being protected or an unseen touch guiding you to stay clear of danger.

Angel melodies: Angels and loved ones in spirit love to give you concise and clear messages through music and sound. The words contained within many songs are sent to you from above. The next time you are watching television, shopping at the supermarket, travelling in the lift at work or hear a random mobile phone ringing, listen to what music is playing. It just might be an angel melody trying to get through to you. For example; songs in the car, songs about angels keep playing, heavenly choirs play in your mind, music with the answer to your dilemma begin to play somewhere, songs with angel meanings in them and a passed loved ones favourite song keeps playing. Angelic voices: Our angels go to great lengths to protect us. When you are in need of angelic guidance your angel will speak to you either directly or through words that pop into your head. Your angels will contact you at times of imminent danger or times of great need. By being open to hearing you will be more in tune with this form of communication. This type of communication is a form of clairaudience.

Books, magazines and newspapers: Angels have been known to use books, magazines and newspapers to get their message across. This is their way of trying to get your attention through printed material. There is an angelic message in there for you to discover. Coins (pennies) from heaven: This heavenly currency is a sign that your spiritual friends are close at hand. Often coins will appear when you are worrying about your finances. Those in spirit will leave you this sign to tell you to stop worrying about your finances as you will be okay. Next time you find a coin on the ground remind yourself that it has been sent as a special reminder from heaven. Acknowledge the gift and thank those in spirit for their message.

Angel fragrances: Have you ever smelt a fragrance, scent or smell that reminded you of a passed loved one? When loved ones in spirit come to visit you, they will use these fragrances and scents to let you know they are close by.

Angelic dreams: If they can’t get your attention during your waking hours, they will most certainly attempt to contact you through your sleep. During your dreams, it is possible to communicate with your loved ones in spirit. They will appear to you happy, alive and well. They may communicate important messages from the other side. They can also offer you guidance and support in your times of grief.

Angel numbers: Angelic messages are often sent to us by our angels through a number sequence. These number sequences can be seen

on everyday objects that are with us on a daily basis – on clocks, car number plates, receipts, buildings and billboards, as well as in emails, telephone numbers, addresses, birthdays,anniversaries and so on.

Angel connections through nature: Insects such as butterflies, dragonflies and ladybugs are a way that our angels and loved ones make contact with us while we are amongst nature. Butterflies and dragonflies are symbols of great spiritual significance. Both of these insects symbolise the message of rebirth and transition of the soul. The ladybug is connected to the energy of regeneration and renewal. When you see insects like these, it is telling you that spirit is trying to connect with you and provide guidance from above.

Signs from above meditation exercise

As discussed in earlier chapters, remember to always protect yourself with white light before entering into any work with the spirit world. Keep your journal and pen at the ready for when you return from your meditation to write down any signs and symbols that you see. Enter your sacred space by either physically or mentally sitting or lying down in a comfortable position. Now, let’s begin by gently closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing.

10 breathe in and then gently breathe out. 9 breathe in then breathe out. 8 breathe in then breathe out. 7 breathe in then breathe out. 6 breathe in then breathe out. 5 breathe in then breathe out. 4 breathe in then breathe out. 3 breathe in then breathe out. 2 breathe in then breathe out. 1 breathe in then breathe out. Once you finish counting, feel the calmness and peace that now surrounds you.

Visualise light moving up from the earth beneath your feet. watch as brilliant light enters through the soles of your feet and watch as the white light moves up through your body; see the white light moving along your legs up to your thighs and watch as it ignites the white light throughout your entire body. The white light is so bright you can feel it making its way to your crown chakra. Feel the warmth and comfort this beautiful white light is circulating within every cell of your body. Call in your angels, spirit guides and loved ones in spirit and ask them to show you any signs from above during this time together. Ask them to make their presence known to you by surrounding you with beautiful golden energy. Visualise the golden light appearing above your head flowing through to your crown chakra. You now feel the connection of light flowing freely throughout your body, primarily focusing in your mind’s eye. Contained within this golden energy is knowledge from above. It contains signs, symbology and numbers that have been shown to beings such as you since the beginning of time. There may be symbols you are already aware of or they may be new ones to assist you with your spiritual growth and spiritual journey ahead.

These symbols come from the pages of the akashic records; they may appear as words, drawings, numbers, images of animals, people, places. You may be given the messages through small snippets of information in the form of a movie clip that plays out before you or they may give you information in the form of signs, symbols and colours. Look at what you are being shown and take in the feelings they are sharing with you while you are connected to the golden light of knowledge. Take your time to really absorb all of the information they are sharing with you. What feelings do these symbols instil within you? Do the symbols make sense to you? Is there a being with you sharing the information with you? Is being a guardian angel; spirit guide or loved one in spirit? If you don’t understand the symbols, ask the being with you what the meaning is. If you don’t know who the being is, ask them who they are. This will assist you in understanding what type of symbols you are being given.

Once you understand the symbol you have been shown, ask the being if there are any other important symbols they wish to share with you at this time. Take a few moments to focus on any other symbols or messages they may wish to share with you. Do you wish to ask them any questions? Is there anything you need to do with these symbols? Take a few moments for the answers to come. Pay attention to them so that you can write them down in your spiritual journal where you finish your connection. Once the images cease to be shown to you by your angel, spirit guide or loved one in spirit, thank them for sharing the information with you and bid them farewell. Feel Your awareness returning back into your sacred space. Be settled with the knowledge that, whenever you need to reconnect with your angel, spirit guide or loved in spirit to receive more signs from above, you have the spiritual awareness to do so. Now please write or draw any signs, symbols, numbers or visions in your spiritual journal.

Affirmation I am open to receiving signs from above to guide and enhance my spiritual growth and evolution. I thank you for the knowledge you share and instil within me.

Topic 9 completed.

Congratulations on finishing Awaken Your Psychic Ability!

Series Navigation<< 8. What are spirit guides and do you have one?

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