This entry is part 7 of 9 in the series Awaken your psychic ability Course



Angels are said to be winged beings who are sent from heaven to protect and guide humans during their time here on earth. When we decide to incarnate on the earth realms, we are accompanied by our own special guardian angel. This special angel will accompany us throughout our lifetime, and they will leave the earth at the exact time that we do when we return to heaven. Our guardian angel will never control us or tell us what to do during our time here on earth. Your angel is here to accompany you with your earthly journey to guide, share knowledge and protect you during your journey. Always remember that your angels will only give you the challenges or tests that you are capable of handling at that exact time in your life. Angels can be seen in human form, while others are represented as winged beings and beings of light. They may also appear to us in the form of divine guidance, either visually or through auditory methods, or as humans such as earth angels that appear in our lives exactly when we are in times of need. Each and every one of us has angels in their life even though they may not be aware of them.

Here are some types of angels

Archangels: the archangels are the best-known angels of the angelic realms. Archangels are the conduit in which we, as humans, receive messages from god and the higher orders of the angelic realms. They assist us with knowledge, protection, heavenly guidance and communication. Archangel Michael is the head of the archangels.

Angels: these are the common angels who are celestial beings recognised as the closest angel to us as human beings. They act as our guardian angels and they are with us to be of assistance. They are winged messengers who act as a bridge between heaven and earth. An angel is sent by a supreme being for the purpose of delivering messages, to offer spiritual guidance and in some cases heal a physical ailment or to rescue a person from threatening circumstances. There are many types of angels on this level of the hierarchy:

Ancestral guardian angels: are connected to you through your family. You may or may not have physically met them during their lifetime on earth. Our loved ones can choose to act as our ancestral guardian angel after their passing. Some loved ones choose to act as an ancestral guardian angel for a family member even though they have already passed when the family member they guide is born. Many of us are connected to this ancestral guardian angel through having a name that is the same as theirs. Ancestral guardian angels choose to be by our side to guide and inspire us. Even though our ancestral guides are in spirit, they are always watching over us and are a part of our earthly experience. They are only a thought away.

Guardian angels: are with us from birth and stay with us our entire life here on earth Our guardian angels are with us to support, inspire and guide us on our life journey. Our guardian angel cannot interfere with our life’s choices although they will do their utmost to guide us onto the right path. Guiding angels: are angels who work with us along with our guardian angels. These guiding angels change as we evolve spiritually and have learnt our specific lessons in life. We can have many different guiding angels throughout our life as they evolve as we do. Other angels can come into your life to assist you with the small and big moments of your life:

Guardian angel meditation exercise

Enter your sacred space in preparation for your meditation. When you regularly enter this space, your angels will know that this is your meeting point. Also prior to meeting your angels, think about what you would like to discuss during your time together. You may wish to light a fragrant candle or burn some incense to lift the energy. You may also wish to play some music that will also lift the vibration of the room. Always make sure that you have your journal and pen ready for when you return from your
meditation to write down any information that is shared with you during your connection to your angel.

Once you have entered your sacred space, gently close your eyes and be open to the heavenly connection that you are about to make with your angel. Take in a deep breath and feel your body relaxing and letting go of any stresses or worries. Start counting backwards from ten down to one and as you do so, take a breath in and out. As you do tis, focus on your breath. Breathe in slowly through your nose and exhale slowly and mindfully through your mouth. Remember that when you exhale, you are exhaling the energies that you no longer need to carry within you or your aura.

10 breathe in and then gently breathe out. 9 breathe in then breathe out. 8 breathe in then breathe out. 7 breathe in then breathe out. 6 breathe in then breathe out. 5 breathe in then breathe out. 4 breathe in then breathe out. 3 breathe in then breathe out. 2 breathe in then breathe out. 1 breathe in then breathe out.

As you finish counting from ten down to one, feel the calmness and peace that now surrounds you. In your mind’s eye, visualise heavenly clouds gently floating above you. Watch as they change shape and notice fingers of light forming between the clouds. These gorgeous rays of light draw you towards them and you begin to feel yourself floating up into the clouds before you. As you get closer to the rays of light, a stairway appears, beckoning you to start to ascend the stairs up amongst the heavens. As you begin to take the first step, you feel as if you are floating up and up and up. The light before you becomes brighter and brighter embracing you within its protective light. At the top of the stairway a beautiful winged being appears. This is your guardian angel who has powerful strong wings that glisten in the light. Your angel smiles at you and puts out their hand to assist you with your final steps of the ethereal staircase.

Once you reach the top of the stairs you feel like you have been welcomed home and returned to your loving family that you have known forever. Your angel beckons you to follow them and to sit on a lovely ethereal cloud that looks like a puffy white pillow.

As you take a seat, look around to see the heavenly images surrounding you. Pay attention and take note if there are any other angelic beings you recognise. Does anyone else feel familiar to you? Do you hear any heavenly sounds such as music or different frequencies? Do you smell any fragrances? What colours are surrounding you? Are the clouds simply white or do they have a colour palette? If they are coloured try to remember the colours for your future connection. Is it daytime or nighttime? Are you up amnesty the clouds or are you up amongst the stars?

Now focus on the energy of your guardian angel. Pay attention and be aware of what they feel like, what do they look like, are they male or female? What colour eyes do they have? What colour hair do they have? What is their height? Are they taller or shorter than you? What colour are your nagels robes? Does he or she have any adornments connecte to their orbes? Are there any special pieces of jewellery or symbols they are wearing? Pay attention to how they communicate with you. Are they speaking to you verbally and if they are, what does your angel’s voice sound like? Is it soft, strong, deep, comforting? Are they communicating with you telepathically through thoughts and symbols? Be aware of what you are hearing and seeing. Does your angel show you a special angel sign that lets you know from what part of the angelic realm they are connected to?

Affirmation I am a being of light who is spiritually connected to the heavens and the angelic realms. I thank my angel for guiding, protecting and instilling me with their angelic knowledge. When I am with you I feel as light as a feather and my heart soars to new heights. I now know, I am never alone!

Topic 7 completed.

Next up: Enhancing your connection to your guardian angels

Series Navigation<< 6. What is psychic protection?8. What are spirit guides and do you have one? >>

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