This entry is part 6 of 9 in the series Awaken your psychic ability Course



One of the most important things to understand before doing any spiritual work i  to undertake a process called ‘psychic protection’ . Psychic protection is an important step to stop you picking up any unpleasant entities or dark energies while you are doing psychic work. It will also help to prevent you from being overwhelmed with all of the energies you will receive from other people and the natural vibrations or the world. While working with the spirit world you will be connecting to energy that is unseen yet very powerful. If you don’t protect yourself properly before undertaking any spiritual work, you could develop some of the following symptoms:

What is a psychic vampire?

A psychic vampire is a person who will burden you with all of their problems, negative thoughts and emotions. They are people who live life with the view of the glass always being half empty rather than half full. They are always unhappy, depressed and can be quite hard to be around due to their lower vibration and heavy energy. There are also psychic vampires in the spirit world that can attach to your aura when you are not protected. It is important to be aware of when and where these vampires attach to your aura. Both of these types of psychic vampires can drain your energy and lower your vibration or frequency, and disengage you from the higher spiritual realms and positivity in your life.

What is a psychic attack and how can it occur?

An attack can occur when energies that reside on the lower part of the astral plane are sent or attached to an individual’s physical body or place. These energies can be known as an entity, negative spirit, negative voices, negative emotions and negative thoughts. Fear is one of the biggest causes of a psychic attack. Fear gives power to negative forces. An attack can bring on depression and isolation and even personality changes within an individual. It is possible to have a psychic attack occur without being consciously aware of it. During your dream state, you can experience an attack by having vivid and frightening nightmares that you feel you cannot awake from. This experience is commonly called ‘sleep paralysis’. If you suffer from this, before going to sleep each night, do a protective white light meditation calling in your guardian angels to help you lift your vibration and ask them to protect and comfort you during the night. By being calm, settled and connected to the angelic realms, you will always be protected and safe. The spirit world has many different levels of vibrations or what is known as frequencies that different energies reside within.if you are going to undertake a journey of any kind, it is always important to be prepared. As you are beginning a journey on a spiritual level, it is also important to be prepared, protected and aware of the positives and negatives you encounter along the way. White
light protection is the most common way to protect yourself from any negative energies or entities. It is a form of shielding which protects your aura and surrounds your energy source with protective angelic light.

Ways to protect yourself psychically

Psychic protection is something that can be achieved in a number of different ways. Take these simple steps before beginning your work each day – breathe in the light, protect your aura, project positive thoughts and raise your vibration and connect to the higher realms. Call in your guides and guardians angels before you make contact with the spirit world. Visualise beautiful pure white light showering down upon you from the heavens above. Surround your entire being with pure white light. Visualise any negative or dark energies being cleansed and removed by the light as it surrounds your body with protection.

Ways to protect yourself psychically

Visualise your guardian angels surrounding you with their angelic light and enveloping you with their powerful wings to protect you. Visualise yourself inside a white bubble or white cocoon of protection. Imagine yourself bathing or swimming in protective light that surrounds you like a forcefield. Imagine there is an invisible hole where the white light can enter at the top of your head. The invisible hole is located at your crown chakra and it is the colour violet. Using prayer is one of the strongest connections you can make to the higher realms of spirit to protect yourself in the spirit world. Using breathing techniques to breathe in the light and exhale any negative energy on the outward breath can enhance your protection from the spirit world. Staying calm and thinking positive thoughts enhances the positive forces around you and your aura. By having a shower every morning and every night you can enhance your connection to the spirit world.

Psychic protection meditation

Find a quiet place to sit and relax. You may wish to enter your sacred space physically or mentally. Gently close your eyes and slowly breathe in. visualise breathing in positive uplifting energy. As you breathe out imagine that you are exhaling any negative emotions or energies you may have around you. Breathe in and out twice more and imagine each time you breathe in and out, you are expanding your connection to the spirit world. Visualise a beautiful bright white light surrounding your entire body. Now watch as thislight expands to make you glow from its brightness. In your mind’s eye , see this protective light entering your body via your feet. Watch as the light slowly moves up to your base chakra.

As the energy reaches your base chakra, it turns a brilliant red. The light then continues to move up through your body and reaches your sacral chakra turning brilliant orange. Watch as the light continues up and reaches your solar plexus turning a brilliant yellow. Feel the energy moving up to your heart chakra as it turns a brilliant green. Allow the energy to progress and move up to your throat chakra turning a brilliant blue. As you feel the energy moving alone your body notice if there are any blockages. If there is any resistance, visualise the light cleansing and clearing the blockages. Watch as the energy
now moves up to your third eye, turning a brilliant indigo. Continue to see the energy reach your crown chakra and become a brilliant violet.

Take a few moments to feel the light filling your entire body with its cleansing purity. Feel the energy expanding throughout ebery pan of your being, allowing you to be reconnected with your inner self. Visualise your guardian angels showering you with their spiritual light. Watch as the light completely engulfs your entire body in this uplifting and protective, bright spiritual light.  As the light becomes brighter and brighter, feel your connection to heaven. Feel yourself connecting and ascending into the heavenly realms where you are protected and safe. Watch as your fears dissolve and melt away. You are now emanating your spiritual light for the entire world to see. Know that you are now protected and at one with the divine.

Affirmation I ask for protection from my guardian angels. I ask for any negative energies or entities to leave my environment and return to the light. I am now safe and protected by the higher realms of the spirit world, and together we are one.

Topic 6 completed.

Next up: Enhancing your connection to your guardian angels

Series Navigation<< 5. What are chakras?7. Enhancing your connection to your guardian angels >>

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