This entry is part 5 of 9 in the series Awaken your psychic ability Course



Chakras are the energy system contained within our bodies. There are seven major chakras located from the base of the spine to the top of the head. The word ‘chakra’ comes from an ancient Indian Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel, vortex or circle.Chakras are the internal energy sources that assist in keeping the connection between our mind, body and spirit functioning properly. If any of our chakras are out of alignment and not in complete balance, our physical health can suffer as a consequence. Each chakra has a different colour and frequency aligned to specific parts of the body. By being aware of your chakras and what they do for you, you will have a greaterunderstanding of your emotions, thoughts and health issues.

Base/root – first chakra

Colour: red Location: base of the spine Sense: smell Crystals: garnet, ruby, bloodstone, red jasper

Element: earth Glands/organs: kidneys, adrenals, spinal column, colon

Function: the base/root chakra is important to keep the body grounded and connected to the earth. The base/root chakra is connected to survival, physical body, safety and material matters. This chakra is what we access when we are in survival mode or in physical danger. It influences our immune system, instincts, impulses and energy. When functioning properly, the root chakra stimulates activity, gives us energy to exercise and gives us motivation. Unbalanced symptoms of this chakra include feeling ungrounded, scattered, disconnected, tired, unmotivated and overly cautious about safety.

Sacral – second chakra

Colour: orange
Location: below navel

Sense: taste

Crystals: amber, citrine, coral

Element: water

Glands/organs: reproductive system, spleen, bladder, lower back.

Function: the sacral chakra governs the emotional body. It influences our creativity, feelings, emotions, relationships and sexuality. When the chakra is functioning properly, you feel creative, imaginative, healthy and passionate about life. Unbalanced symptoms of this chakra include  reproductive issues, bladder and kidney issues and addictive behaviour.

Solar Plexus – third chakra

Colour: yellow, Location: above the naval, below the chest, Sense: sight, Crystals: yellow citrine, gold topaz, amber,

tigers eye, Element: fire, Glands/organs: liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach, nervous system

Function: the solar plexus is connected to personal power, confidence, energy and emotions. The solar plexus is where we connect to our psychic gift of clairsentience – gut feeling. It is also where we store our negative or positive emotions. Our solar plexus has an inner warning system that comes in the form of inner knowing and guidance. Psychic warnings can come in the feelings of butterflies or heaviness in the stomach. When functioning properly, this chakra gives you the ability to believe in yourself and accomplish your goals. It helps you to be organised, able to cope with change and see life from a positive perspective. Unbalanced symptoms of this chakra include feeling worried, nervous and negative, health issues such as stomach ulcers, liver, pancreas, and digestive problems, emotional issues such as anger and frustration.

Heart – fourth chakra

Colour: green

Location: centre of chest

Sense: touch

Crystals: emerald, green jade, malachite, green, pink tourmaline

Element: air

Glands/organs: heart, thymus gland, circulatory system, lungs, arms, hands

Function: the heart chakra is the connection to the physical and spiritual body. The primary feeling with the heart chakra is that of love, allowing us to give and receive unconditional love. It influences our spirituality, empathy, compassion, forgiveness and trust in others. When functioning properly, this chakra gives you the ability to feel balanced and connected, allowing you to give unconditional love to others. It helps you to feel inner peace, joy and happiness. Unbalanced symptoms of this chakra include difficulty forgiving and feeling unloved, health issues such as heart problems, circulatory issues, lung problems and breathing issues.

Throat – fifth chakra

Colour: sky blue, Location: throat, Sense: speed, Crystals: turquoise, blue topaz, lapis lazuli, aquamarine

Element: ether/spirit, Glands/organs: thyroid, parathyroid, throat, mouth, teeth and immune system

Function: the throat chakra is connected to communication, self-expression, speech, sound and the psychic ability of clairaudience. This chakra assists with communication, dreaming, truthfulness, artistic and creative expression. When functioning properly, this chakra gives you the ability to be centred and happy. It assists you to connect to your higher self through meditation for spiritual guidance and gives you the strength to express yourself. Unbalanced symptoms of this chakra include experiencing issues with communication, sore throats, earaches, thyroid problems, chronic fatigue, tiredness and depression.

Third eye – sixth chakra

Colour: indigo , Location: centre of the forehead between the eyebrows

Sense: intuitiveness and clairvoyance, Crystals: lapis lazuli, azurite, sapphire, fluorite, sodalite, clear quartz

Element: light, Glands/organs: pituitary gland, eyes

Function: the third-eye chakra is how we connect to our imagination, inspiration, psychic ability, intuition, higher self and inner guidance. The third eye gives you the ability to see inner visions through psychic insight and helps to connect you to your spirit guides and higher self. Through the practice of meditation, your third eye can open you up to the spiritual realm. This chakra gives you the ability to see that you have a higher purpose. When functioning properly, this chakra enables you to be guided, connected and focused in your life. You have the ability to look at life with a bird’s eye view, seeing life from a higher perspective. You will feel peaceful and be able to concentrate. Unbalanced symptoms of this chakra include feeling unbalanced, suffering from headaches, migraines, eye problems, nightmares, forgetfulness and worrying unnecessarily.

Crown – seventh chakra

Colour: violet, white, gold Location: top of the head, Sense: extra sensory perception (ESP), Crystals: amethyst, purple fluorite, clear quartz, diamond,

Element: cosmic energy/spirit, Glands/organs: pineal gland, central nervous system

Function: the crown chakra is the central link to the spiritual universe and higher consciousness. It allows you to access spiritual wisdom and light connecting you to the divine. When functioning properly, this chakra allows you to feel balanced, free of ego and able to trust in the inner guidance from your higher self and spirit guides. This chakra links you to the connection of knowledge from the universe. It allows you to be at one with the divine and guided in all you do. Unbalanced symptoms of this chakra include issues with ego, fear, anxiety, lack of inspiration, depression, self-doubt, frustration, headaches, immune disorders and mental issues.

Chakra alignment meditation exercise

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Gently close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Now, inhale slowly, and as you do this, imagine you are breathing in pure white spiritual light. As you exhale, imagine breathing out any negativity or stressful energy you may have been holding onto. Inhale slowly and visualise you are breathing in pure white protective spiritual light. As you exhale, imagine you are clearing yourself of any issues that are blocking your energy flow. Once again, inhale slowly and visualise you are breathing positivity and light to cleanse any blockages within you. Now, visualise that you are connected to mother earth and watch within your mind’s eye as the earth beneath softens and your feet start to sprout like tree roots helping you to feel centred and grounded. Visualise light moving up from the earth beneath you and watch as the light enters through the soles of your feet moving up through your body. Visualise the light moving along your legs, up to your thighs and watch as it ignites a spinning ball of light in your base chakra. As the light reaches your base chakra, it turns a brilliant red.

Chakra alignment meditation exercise

The spinning ball of light now glows brighter and brighter as it continues its journey up to your heart chakra and watches as it turns into a brilliant green ball of light. Now visualise the spinning ball of light moving up to your solar plexus and turning into a brilliant yellow. Feel the spinning ball of light moving up to your heart chakra and watch as it turns into a brilliant green ball of light. The energy of the spinning ball of light now moves up to your throat chakra and turns into a brilliant blue. Feel the energy of the spinning ball of light continuing to move up to your third eye, turning into a brilliant indigo. Visualise the energy of the spinning ball of light reaching your crown chakra and turning into a brilliant violet.

Chakra alignment meditation exercise

Pause here for a moment and visualise the energy ball of light continuing to come up from your feet and moving through your entire body. Watch as all the colours of the rainbow expand and rotate as they flow throughout your body, and the energy moves and circulates throughout each and every space and cell within your being. Visualise as all the light expands and exits through your crown chakra.feel the light connecting and grounding you to the earth, and feel it coming up through each of your chakra points clearing any blockages, negative thoughts, energies or feelings you may have been harbouring within yourself. Feel any unwanted energy cascading away from within you as it spills out from your crown chakra. Watch as the energy evaporates into the ether as it clears all your chakras of any unwanted energy.

Chakra alignment meditation exercise

Feel the energy around you now changing and you are bathed in a brilliant white light full of energy from above. This energy is such a brilliant white that it is hard to look at; the energy is warm,comforting and protective. Please take a few minutes to stay in this place so that you can feel the connection you have with the light and the spiritual beings surrounding you. When you are ready allow the energy to surround you and you bring your awareness back into your sacred place. Remember the connection so that you can return to this sacred place at any time when you feel your chakras are blocked or unaligned. Be settled with the knowledge that whenever you need to realign your chakra points with this energy, you have the spiritual awareness to do so.

Affirmation My chakra points are all vibrating at the correct frequency, I am in perfect alignment with the universe.

Topic 5 completed.

Next up: What is psychic protection?

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