Categories: Spirituality

1. Your psychic gifts – what are they?

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Awaken your psychic ability Course


  • The most common psychic gifts are:
  • Preparing for your spiritual journey
  • What is your psychic tool kit?


You are an incredible spiritual being who is currently living an earthly experience. Some of us are aware of our psychic gifts from childhood while others may discover these psychic abilities at a later time in their life. In whatever form you came to be on this journey, I wish to welcome you and I look forward to our journey of psychic discovery together. I will go through what the different psychic abilities are and teach you how you can connect to your natural born spiritual GPS (global psychic system).


The most common psychic gifts are:

Psychic – a person who can see into the past, present and future. Medium – a person who can see and communicate with spirits, beings and loved ones in the spirit realm. Clairvoyant (clear seeing) – a person who can see via their normal senses using their third eye to see signs, symbols and being in the spirit realms. Clairaudient (clear hearing) – a person who hears via their normal senses and uses their sixth sense to hear messages, guidance and voices of beings in their spirit realms. Clairsentient (clear physical feeling) – a person who receives messages from the spirit realm via their feelings, usually in their solar plexus chakra that is located in their stomach.

The most common psychic gifts are:

Clairempathy (clear emotional feeling) – a person who experiences the emotions, thoughts and symptoms of another person or their heart chakra. Also known as an empath. Clairetangent (clear touching – also known as psychometry) – a person who is able to recover information from inanimate objects such as a watch, ring, photograph or an antique item. Claircognizant – a person who experiences a light bulb moment where they just know things about something / someone. Clairalient (clear smelling) – a person who receives information through smell e.g. fragrances, cooking smells or odours. Clairgustant (clear tasting) – a person who receives psychic information though the sense of taste, without actually having the item in their mouth.

Preparing for your spiritual journey

I want you to think of this content as your psychic guide to what is possible and for you to see what
gifts lie within yourself. It will give you the knowledge and understanding of what each psychic tool
is, how to activate it, how to practise and strengthen it and most of all how to be the master of your gifts. It is extremely important that you learn how to exercise your psychic muscles and strengthen them
along the journey, so in time you will be in control of your gift and gain insight to what a truly special spiritual psychic being you are. Patience – spirit will only give you as much as you can handle at a time. If you rush the exercises and don’t learn the lesson, then you will not understand how each gift links into the next.

What is your psychic tool kit?

As we go through the content, I will be talking about different tools that will be introduced to youalong the way. When you undertake a journey you need to gather the right equipment.Tool checklist You – you are the most important psychic spiritual tool throughout this entire journey, as it is you who spirit will come to, communicate with, blend with and utilise as a vessel to communicate messages from the other side. You, as the vessel, need to look after yourself; you need to be balanced, you need to feel safe, protected and in control of your surroundings and the connection you will make throughout this journey.

What is your psychic tool kit?

Psychic protection and white light – learning to white light yourself is a vital tool that you should never proceed without. This is why, before you start any spiritual work, you must put on the right protective equipment in order for you to be safe. If you are not protected and do not have an understanding of opening and shutting the door to the spirit realms you may not always have access to the right spiritual frequency or vibration. I will speak about frequency and vibration as there are many different levels (frequency or vibration) on which good and bad spirits reside. Learning to understand what frequency or vibration resonates with you on a positive level and what doesn’t resonate with you on a negative level is a vital tool of understanding. This will help you to learn when a spirit is good, bad, malevolent or simply lost and in need of assistance. Surrounding yourself daily with white light and lifting your vibration should become part of your practice. You need to understand what psychic protection is and what a psychic attack is and you need to know how to shut the latter down.

What is your psychic tool kit?

The psychic clairs – we as human beings measure life with what we are told are the five physical senses: touch, taste, smell, sight and sound. However, we are not taught about the innate spiritual senses that we also possess within us. These underestimated abilities are part of our eight ‘clair’ senses that connect us to the unseen spiritual realms surrounding us. We all possess these gifts, but it is only when we tune in and activate these gifts that we can begin to unlock these hidden abilities. Spiritual activation – how to turn it on and how to turn it off. Working with spirit is a wonderful blessing and a gift. However, if you are not in control of it and not working on the higher frequencies, it can also feel like a curse. Learning how to turn on and off your abilities at will is most important.

What is your psychic tool kit?

Auras and chakras – these two vital energy forces contained around and within the body are part of our psychic tools. Auras and chakras help us to protect ourselves and to see, feel, balance and heal ourselves and others. Some of you will have the gift of seeing auras around the body, while some of you will be able to feel auras around someone’s body. When you are not in balance cracks can appear in your aura or energies can become attached to your aura. When your chakras are not aligned you may feel out of balance and ungrounded, and you may experience illness within your body. Learning how to balance, clear and align your auras and chakras is a part of your psychic protection routine. Numerology – numerology can be used to assist you to understand different personality traits, birth force numbers and the numerological cycles that people experience during their life. Numerology is a valuable tool that can be used in conjunction with your psychic clairs.

What is your psychic tool kit?

Creating a sacred space- the more you connect with the spiritual realms, the more important it will become for you to create a sacred space in which to do so. Your sacred space can be a physical space or a space within your mind’s eye. It is not important how you create your sacred space, what is important for you is to have access to your sacred space in order to connect with the higher spiritual vibrations when you are doing your spiritual work. Your spiritual journey and psychic symbology – once you undertake your spiritual journey, you will be given many messages, signs, symbols,colours and sounds. I strongly advise that as part of your psychic tool kit you create a spiritual journal to record all of the information that you download from spirit. In the future, you will discover what an invaluable tool this is to refer back to.

What is your psychic tool kit?

Working with your angels – when we decide to incarnate into the earth realm, we are accompanied by our own personal guardian angel. This special being will accompany us throughout our entire life helping and guiding us. We also have access to other angels from many different realms. Spirit guides – as spiritual beings, we also have access to our spirit guides. Spirit guides are here to accompany us during our lifetime here on earth. Divining tools – many people like to use divining tools such as pendulums to help them to divine answers from spirit. These tools can be used to receive ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers to questions you ask spirit. They can also be used to measure the aura.

Topic 1 completed.

Next up:

  • Journalling and creating your psychic reference guide


Series Navigation2. Journaling and creating your psychic reference guide >>

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